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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; government-apple 9 10 11 12 13 EndofShareholderProposalandStatementofSupport RECOMMENDATIONOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSONITEM12 WhyWeRecommendYouVoteAgainstThisProposal • Wesupportcorporatetaxcodesthatincentivize investment in the economy and job creation. • Wealreadyreport on our tax contributions and other economic contributions in the United States and many other countries around the world. In the United States, for 2021, our tax contributions included $2.3 billion in federal incometaxexpense; $5.2 billion in federal taxes that include employer payroll taxes, customs duties, and other taxes andfees; more than $4 billion in state and local taxes of all types; and $22 billion in sales taxes we collected and remitted on behalf of states and localities throughout the United States. We also publicly reported on our total tax contributions in other countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy, France, and Spain. • While we expect to be required to report country-by-country tax information for European Union countries and certain other countries following the European Parliament’s recent vote to require certain companies to publicly disclose such information, we believe the prescriptive granularity of the GRI Tax Standard’s reporting would potentially force disclosure of competitively sensitive information about our operations and cost structures and would hamperourability to make operational decisions. • OurU.S. taxes reflect our commitment to investment in innovation, our employees, and our communities. WeSupportCorporateTaxCodesthatIncentivize Investment in the Economy and Job Creation As stated in our positions,49 we believe that corporate tax codes should incentivize investment in the economy and job creation, and, particularly between countries, should be coordinated to have neither loopholes that permit artificially lower taxrates,noroverlapsthatcausehighertaxratesorredundanttaxation,becausethesedistortcompanybehaviorinwaysthat donotbenefit consumers or the economy. We support the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development anditsworkwithglobalgovernmentstoreviewtheinternationaltaxsystemandsecureconsensusonthesepoints.Asstated byourfounderandExecutiveChairin2021,wearesupportiveofanincreaseinthecorporatetaxrateastheU.S.government makes“boldinvestments in American infrastructure” and we look forward to “Congress and the administration coming 50 together to find the right, balanced solution that maintains or enhances U.S. competitiveness.” WeAlreadyProvide Information About Our Tax Contributions In our publicly filed annual and quarterly reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission, we provide extensive and detailed disclosure of our income tax contributions in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United 49 See 50 See 56

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