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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS of our workers is a key priority. For us, one incident is too many. We believe that all workers should come to work and return home safely. No matter who our employees are, where they work, or what they do, we are committed to their safety andwell-being every day. While many of our employee health, safety, and well-being related initiatives are discussed in detail below, our WorkingWell initiative is one particular example of our commitment to improving employee safety and well-being. Launched in 2020, WorkingWell is a new comprehensive program that aims to help prevent injuries, provide wellness services, and offer health 63 Through this program, as part of our ongoing effort to design our literacy for employees while at work and at home. workstationsandjobsergonomically,AmazonutilizesacademicresearchandCertifiedAthleticTrainerstoeducateandcoach our employees on body mechanics, safe manual handling practices, and ergonomic principles.64 The injury prevention specialists hired as part of this program are available to our employees on-site and are prepared to evaluate, provide recommendationsforimprovements,train our employees on stretches and exercises to decrease the risk of injury, and advise on working safely. This sort of training is particularly effective in addressing and preventing musculoskeletal disorders (“MSDs”). We recognize that MSDs are common in the type of work that we do in our operations. We are committed to leading the way for workplaces around the world to proactively manage—and prevent—work-related MSDs by drawing on our expertise in innovation and technology and collaborating with proven thought leaders and scientists. WeareTransparent About Our Commitment to and Efforts to Improve Workplace Safety 65 Our“Delivered with Care” safety report and workplace safety website discuss our many initiatives to provide our associates asafeandhealthyworkplace.Thereportalsoincludesextensivedisclosureanddetailedmetricsreflecting our commitment to safety and the results we have achieved by implementing these various initiatives. Select highlights include: • OurLostTimeIncidentRate—ameasureofthenumberofinjuriesandillnessesthatresultintimeawayfromwork—was 2.3 globally and 2.6 in the United States in 2020, a 43% and 49% improvement from 2019, respectively. In addition, our Recordable Incident Rate—which measures how often an injury or illness occurs at work—was 5.1 globally and 6.5 in the United States in 2020, a 24% and 25% improvement from 2019, respectively. We report how these incident rates comparetoavarietyofindustries. • As part of our commitment to proactively manage and prevent work-related MSDs, in June 2021, we launched a five- year $12 million partnership with the National Safety Council, aimed at leveraging academic expertise and investment in breakthrough technologies to decrease the rate of occurrence of and expedite the recovery time from MSDs, both 66 internally and industry-wide. • Amazon’sSafety Leadership Index enables employees to use computers, workstations, or hand scanners to anonymously share their daily perceptions of safety. The process helps managers gauge safety sentiment at their site and take targeted action for improvement. This feedback system helps us address concerns, hear suggestions, and take action, like 67 providing additional safety equipment at U.S. fulfillment centers, sort centers, and delivery stations. • 24hoursaday,7daysaweek,associatesareabletoprovidedirectfeedbacktotheirmanager,theirgeneral manager, andeventheCEOonwhatcanbedonetoimprovethesafetyofourfacilities.Theycandothisviadirectfeedback,ourVoice of the Associate (“VOA”) Boards, the Safety Leadership Index (discussed above), meetings, and our general open-door policy. In 2021, we addressed more than 210,000 comments, questions, and issues through the VOA Boards alone. • Ourperformancereviewprocessis designed to ensure that we review employee performance fairly and consistently, to identify employees for recognition and for support, and to account for daily changes to the business—all while prioritizing safe work performance and actions. We believe individual performance metrics are a key business tool for ensuring high-quality work, operational efficiency, and fairness in employee engagement. We assess performance based on safe andachievable expectations, accounting for tenure, peer performance, and adherence to safe work practices. Our employees, in addition to their regularly scheduled breaks, are able to take informal breaks to stretch, get water, or talk toamanager.Inmid-2021,weupdatedourpolicythatmeasuresthetimeemployeesareloggedontotheirworkarea.This measurement,alongwithdirectemployeefeedback,helpsusunderstandifthereareanyissueswithtoolsandequipment that employees use to do their jobs. Employees are only questioned about unproductive time if they are regularly 63 See 64 See 65 See 66 See 67 See 68

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