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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS Responding to the growing movement against police brutality and criminal justice bias, Amazon issued an indefinite moratorium on Rekognition for use by police departments. While this ban indicates acknowledgment of Rekognition’s risks, it is unclear whether it includes other government agencies. A 2021 Government Accountability Office report found 19 of 24UnitedStatesgovernmentagenciessurveyedwereusingsomeformoffacialrecognition.2 Microsoft banned face recognition sales to police awaiting federal regulation, while IBM stopped offering the software. Following a lawsuit alleging nonconsensual use of facial recognition on residents resulting in a $550 million settlement with 3 Illinois, Facebook recently declared it will cease using facial recognition. RESOLVED:ShareholdersrequesttheBoardofDirectorscommissionanindependentstudyofRekognitionandreportto shareholders regarding: - Theextent to which such technology may endanger, threaten or violate privacy and/or civil rights, and unfairly or disproportionately target or surveil people of color, immigrants and activists in the United States; - Theextent to which such technologies may be marketed and sold to authoritarian or repressive governments, including those identified by the United States Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices; - Thepotential loss of good will and other financial risks associated with these human rights issues; Thereport should be produced at reasonable expense, exclude proprietary or legally privileged information and be published no later than September 1st, 2022. 1 OHCHR|Artificial intelligence risks to privacy demand urgent action—Bachelet, DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=27469&LangID=E 2 Facial Recognition Technology: Current and Planned Uses by Federal Agencies | U.S. GAO, 3 EndofShareholderProposalandStatementofSupport RECOMMENDATIONOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSONITEM19 WhyWeRecommendYouVoteAgainstThisProposal • Amazon’sfacial recognition technology can be used to solve complex problems that benefit society. Since being introduced in 2016, non-profit, advocacy, and government groups have used Amazon Rekognition’s facial recognition capabilities to protect human rights, including tracking and stopping child exploitation and rescuing victims of human trafficking, as well as locating hundreds of missing children. • Amazoniscommittedtotheresponsibleuseofourartificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) products and services. We have been consistent and proactive in our efforts to address concerns and mitigate the risk of misuse through policy and advocacy efforts, customer contractual requirements and training, consultation with third party experts, and other policies and practices. We implemented a moratorium on police use of Amazon Rekognition’s facial comparison feature for criminal investigations in June 2020. We believe this moratorium will give governments time to implement appropriate rules, and we stand ready to help with any such initiatives. • While we have been updating our technology and enhancing safeguards, this proposal has recited the same years-old claims and mischaracterizations, even though in the more than five years AWS has been offering Amazon Rekognition, AWShasneverreceivedareportofAmazonRekognitionbeingmisusedinthemannerpositedinthisproposal. Contrary to the proponent’s mischaracterization, it is not a surveillance system. Facial Recognition Technology Has the Capability to Solve Complex Problems and Benefit Society Whenusedproperlyandresponsibly, facial recognition technology significantly reduces the amount of time needed to identify people or objects in photos and video, making it an effective tool for business purposes, as well as to benefit society through proper use by government agencies. Since being introduced in 2016, non-profit, advocacy, and government 2022ProxyStatement 83

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