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BOARDOFDIRECTORSINFORMATION AnadhoccommitteeoftheBoardappointedin2022receivesreportsfrommanagementandreportstotheBoardatleast annually on data protection and cybersecurity matters and reviews the measures implemented by the Company to identify andmitigate data protection and cybersecurity risks. The Company requires employees with access to information systems, including all corporate employees, to undertake data protection and cybersecurity training and compliance programs annually. Corporate Governance Documents Please visit our investor relations website at, “Corporate Governance,” for additional information on our corporate governance, including: • our Restated Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws; • the Board of Directors Guidelines on Significant Corporate Governance Issues, which includes policies on shareholder communicationswiththeBoard,directorattendanceatourannualmeetings,directorresignationstofacilitateourmajority vote standard, director stock ownership guidelines, succession planning, and compensation clawbacks; • thechartersapprovedbytheBoardfortheAuditCommittee,theLeadershipDevelopmentandCompensationCommittee, andtheNominatingandCorporateGovernanceCommittee; • the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics; and • our U.S. Political Engagement Policy and Statement. Environmental, Social, and Human Capital Initiatives Weregularly publish information regarding our sustainability, environmental, social, and human capital goals and initiatives onourwebsite, including in our sustainability report titled “Further and Faster, Together.” This report also includes our reporting under the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (“SASB”), Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”), and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights reporting frameworks. Key highlights from our website andthis report include: • TheClimatePledge.Withourco-founderGlobalOptimism,in2019weannouncedTheClimatePledge,acommitment to be net-zero carbon across our business by 2040, a decade ahead of the Paris Agreement’s goal of 2050. We are proud that more than 300 companies across 51 industries and 29 countries have joined The Climate Pledge. As part of this commitment, we publish our carbon footprint and calculation methodology, and we have joined the Science Based TargetsInitiative,reaffirmingourcommitmenttoreducecarbonemissionsinlinewithourongoingscience-basedapproach to tackle climate change. Amazon also launched The Climate Pledge Fund in 2020 to support the development of sustainable and decarbonizing technologies and services. This dedicated investment program—with an initial $2 billion in funding—invests in visionary companies whose products and solutions are expected to facilitate the transition to a low- carbon economy. In addition, we established the Right Now Climate Fund, a $100 million fund to remove or avoid carbon emissions by restoring and conserving forests, wetlands, and grasslands around the world. • RenewableEnergy.Weareonapathtopoweringouroperationswith100%renewableenergyby2025—fiveyears aheadofouroriginal target of 2030. In 2020, we reached 65% renewable energy across our business and became the world’s largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy. • ShipmentZero.ShipmentZeroisourgoalofdelivering50%ofAmazonshipmentswithnet-zerocarbonby2030. ShipmentZeromeansthatthefulfillmentoperationsweundertaketodeliveracustomer’sshipmentarenet-zerocarbon— fromthefulfillment center, to the packaging materials, to the mode of transportation that gets the package to the customer’s door. • Transportation. We plan to deploy 100,000 custom electric delivery vehicles by 2030. Our custom electric delivery vehicles hit the road testing with customer deliveries in Los Angeles in February 2021, and since have expanded to 15 additional U.S. cities, including San Francisco, Nashville, Tulsa, Minneapolis, Denver, and more. We are also investing in a varietyofsolutionstoreducecarbonemissionsoffreightandairtransport,includingbatteryelectricandhydrogen-powered trucks, compressed natural gas tractors, and sustainable aviation fuels and technologies. • OurBuildings. Amazonisworkingtoreducethecarbonemissionsassociated with our buildings, from the carbon embodiedinconstructionmaterialstotheoperationalemissionsfrompoweringouractivities.In2020,welaunchedanin- depth study of our operations facilities to examine the energy intensity of our buildings and identify ways to reduce 2022ProxyStatement 11

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