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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS have also launched the Safety Leadership Index across our U.S. operations where every associate is surveyed through our Connections program and is regularly asked a series of questions to measure their views and perspectives regarding safety in their facility. • Voice of the Associate Boards are in Amazon fulfillment centers around the globe—physically and virtually—providing employeesaforumforexpressingtheirconcerns,offeringsuggestions,andaskingquestionsonadailybasistoleadership. Leadership teams reply directly to questions, promoting dialogue and efficient remediation of issues. In 2021, our managersreceived and responded to more than 210,000 comments, questions, and issues raised on the Voice of the Associate Boards. • Anyemployeecansendsuggestionsorraiseconcernstomembersoftheseniorleadershipteam.Allsuchexecutive escalations are independently reviewed by Human Resources, used as a learning opportunity, and may be used to update our processes to prevent gaps in the future. • Wehavean“opendoor”policy,whichmeanswewelcomeandencourageanyemployeetodiscusssuggestions,concerns, or feedback with their manager, a Human Resources team member, or any member of Amazon’s leadership team. We believe candid and constructive communication in an environment of mutual respect is essential to our collective success. • OurAssociate Roundtable provides leaders and associates with meaningful opportunities to discuss issues. Leaders hear directly from hourly associates, who can ask questions about any topic and get immediate feedback. Associates are able to share their thoughts about their job, their work environment, and any challenges they face. • OurAmazonEthicsLineallowsemployeestoraisequestionsorreportsuspectedviolations of our Code of Business ConductandEthicsbyphoneoronlineglobally. Reports to the Ethics Line are answered by an independent third party andmaybemadeanonymouslyonrequest. • Ourdirectors participate in employee forums and meet with employees at a variety of Company events. Webelievethattheeffectiveness of these programs, together with our competitive pay and comprehensive benefits, are whywehavereceivedsomanyworkplacehonors.Forexample,LinkedInrecognizedAmazonasthemostdesirableworkplace onits 2021 Top Companies list in the United States and Japan, and among the top companies in Australia, Canada, China, India, Spain, and the U.K.; Forbes ranked us #4 on its World’s Best Employers 2021 list; and Fortune has recognized us as #2 onits World’s Most Admired Companies list six years running. OurBoardIsDiverse and Qualified OurBoardcurrently has a dynamic and effective process for identifying and recruiting diverse and qualified directors with a broadrangeofexperience,backgrounds,andinterestswhoareabletoeffectivelyrepresenttheinterestsofourshareholders andsupportournumerousconstituencies. In selecting candidates for recommendation to the Board, the Nominating andCorporateGovernanceCommitteedrawsfromadiverselistofcandidates,annually reviews the tenure, performance, andcontributions of existing Board members to the extent they are candidates for re-election, and considers all aspects of eachcandidate’squalifications and skills in the context of the needs of Amazon at that point in time with a view to creating a Board with a diversity of experience and perspectives. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee includes, andhasanysearchfirmthatitengagesinclude, women, individuals from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, and individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ in the pool from which the Committee selects director candidates. Throughthis process, our Board includes members who have gained significant experience in human capital management asaresultoftheirleadershipoforganizationswithlargeworkforces—andwhoalsopossessmanyadditionalskillsrelevantto oversight and managementofourbusinesses.OurBoardbelievesthatourexisting,robustcorporategovernanceprocesses benefit all of our stakeholders, including our employees. In light of the multiple channels through which Amazon and the Board engage with and oversee the well-being of our employees,theircompensation,andourworkplaceenvironmentandculture,andourrobustprocessestoidentifyand nominate qualified and independent directors, the Board recommends shareholders vote against this proposal. TheBoardofDirectorsrecommendsavote“AGAINST”thisproposalrequestinganalternativedirector candidate policy. 40

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