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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS Both “direct and indirect lobbying” and “grassroots lobbying communications” include efforts at the local, state and federal levels. Thereport shall be presented to the Audit Committee and posted on Amazon’s website. SupportingStatement Amazonfails to provide an annual report detailing its lobbying payments by individual states, trade associations (TAs) and social welfare groups(SWGs).Amazonspent$18.7milliononfederallobbyingin2020andwasthelargestcorporatespender for the first half of 2021.1 Amazon lobbies extensively at the state level and reportedly “killed or undermined privacy protections in more than three dozen bills across 25 states.”2 Amazon lobbies abroad, spending between €2,750,000– 3,999,999 on lobbying in Europe for 2020. Companiescangiveunlimited amounts to third party groups that spend millions on lobbying and undisclosed grassroots 3 activity. These groups may be spending “at least double what’s publicly reported.” Amazon lists support of $10,000 or more to 248 TAs, SWGs and nonprofits for 2020, yet fails to disclose its payments, or the amounts used for lobbying. Amazon belongstotheChamberofCommerce(“Chamber”),whichhasspentover$1.7billiononlobbyingsince1998,supportsSWGs that lobby like Americans for Tax Reform and Taxpayers Protection Alliance, and funds controversial nonprofits like the 4 5 Competitive Enterprise Institute and Independent Women’s Forum. Amazon’slackofdisclosure presents reputational risks when its lobbying contradicts company public positions. For example, while Amazon strives to be “Earth’s Best Employer,” it attracted attention for hiring lobbyists that worked for TAs opposing unions.6AmazoncofoundedtheClimatePledgefornetzerocarbonemissionsby2040,buttheChamberunderminedtheParis 7 Climate Accord. Amazon signed a statement opposing state voter restrictions, yet the Chamber lobbied against the For 8 9 the People Act. While Amazon publicly embraced corporate tax hikes, it lobbied to preserve its tax breaks and has drawn scrutiny for avoiding federal income taxes.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EndofShareholderProposalandStatementofSupport RECOMMENDATIONOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSONITEM14 WhyWeRecommendYouVoteAgainstThisProposal • Wereportcomprehensively and transparently on an annual basis our public policy expenditures, including direct and indirect lobbying expenditures such as our payments to U.S.-based trade associations, coalitions, charities, and social welfare organizations to which our Public Policy team contributed at least $10,000. • Wehaveprocessesinplacetoprovideoversight of our public policy activities, and we take a number of actions to mitigate the potential risk associated with misalignment between our views and the lobbying activities undertaken by organizations we support. • While we may not agree with every position of every organization that we support, we believe that our support will help advance those policy objectives that are aligned with our interests and influence the organization’s policy positions in ways that we believe may ultimately align with our objectives. 62

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