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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS through AmazonCare, which allows them to connect with a doctor in 60 seconds or less. In 2021, we launched a new mental health benefit called Resources for Living, offering free confidential mental health services to U.S. employees, their families, and members of their household, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.71 OurBoardIsDirectly and Meaningfully Engaged In Oversight of Employee Well-Being and Workplace Safety Thefull Board regularly oversees and reviews reports from management on various aspects of our business, including related risks and strategies for addressing them. The Board’s oversight of our activities encompasses workplace safety. We also have Board committees responsible for overseeing our risk management processes. For example, the Audit Committee is responsibleforoverseeingmanagementof,amongotherthings,operationalrisks.Inaddition,theLeadershipDevelopment and Compensation Committee is responsible for overseeing strategies and policies related to human capital management within the Company’s workforce, including workplace environment and safety. In managing and mitigating risks, we have shownalonghistoryofcommitmenttoworkplacesafety,bybuildingrobustprogramsthatprovideourassociateswithasafe andhealthy workplace with appropriate rules and practices for reporting and proactively managing risk associated with injuries and illnesses, including unsafe conditions or behaviors. Wearecommittedtopromotingasafeandhealthyworkingenvironmentandcontinuingtodevelopinnovativetechnology to keep our associates safe. Our “Delivered with Care” safety report and our website already include extensive discussions onoureffortsandcommitmenttoemployeewell-beingandworkplacesafety.Inlightofourcommitmenttoworkplacesafety, the steps we are taking to research, invest, and apply data and insights to improve safety in our workplaces, and our robust disclosures on these steps, the Board recommends that shareholders vote against this proposal. TheBoardofDirectorsrecommendsavote“AGAINST”thisproposalrequestingareportonwarehouseworking conditions. ITEM17—SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALREQUESTINGADDITIONALREPORTINGON GENDER/RACIALPAY BeginningofShareholderProposalandStatementofSupport: Racial and Gender Pay Gaps Whereas:Payinequities persist across race and gender and pose substantial risk to companies and society at large. Black workers’ hourly median earnings represent 64 percent of white wages. The median income for women working full time is 83percentthatofmen.Intersecting race, Black women earn 63 cents, Native women 60 cents, and Latina women 55 cents. At the current rate, women will not reach pay equity until 2059, Black women until 2130, and Latina women until 2224. Citigroupestimatesclosingminorityandgenderwagegaps20yearsagocouldhavegenerated12trilliondollarsinadditional income. PwC estimates closing the gender pay gap could boost Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries’ economies by 2 trillion dollars annually. Actively managing pay equity is associated with improved representation. Diversity in leadership is linked to improved innovation and financial performance. Minorities represent 68 percent of Amazon’s workforce and 29 percent of leadership. Womenrepresent45percentoftheworkforceand22percentofleadership. Best practice pay equity reporting consists of two parts: 1. unadjusted median pay gaps, assessing equal opportunity to high paying roles, 2. statistically adjusted gaps, assessing whether minorities and non-minorities, men and women, are paid the same for similar roles. Amazonreportsparity for statistically adjusted gaps but ignores unadjusted gaps, which address structural bias women and minorities face regarding job opportunity and pay, particularly when men hold most higher paying jobs. While Amazon reports diversity data, median pay gaps show, quite literally, how Amazon assigns value to employees through the roles they inhabit and pay they receive. Median gap reporting also provides a digestible and comparable data point to determine progress over time. 71 See 70

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