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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS invest in our employees by providing, in the United States, an average starting wage of at least $18 an hour, and our full- time employees receive comprehensive benefits like healthcare, 401(k) Company matching, and up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave. As reflected in our published information regarding our tax and other economic contributions, we are committed to investing, inventing, creating jobs, and working to enhance the communities where we operate. We are pleased to play a role in creating opportunity and driving innovation and prosperity through our investments around the world. TheBoardofDirectorsrecommendsavote“AGAINST”thisproposalrequestingalternativetaxreporting. ITEM13—SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALREQUESTINGADDITIONALREPORTINGON FREEDOMOFASSOCIATION BeginningofShareholderProposalandStatementofSupport: RESOLVED:thatshareholdersofAmazonInc.(“Amazon”)urgetheBoardofDirectorstoproduceareportanalyzinghow Amazon’scurrent human rights policies and practices protect the rightful application of the fundamental rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining as guaranteed by the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at WorkandtheUNUniversalDeclarationofHumanRights.Thereportshouldincludeinformationonwhether,andifsohow, inputfromaffectedstakeholderswastakenintoaccount.Thereport,preparedatreasonablecostandomittingconfidential or proprietary information, should be publicly disclosed on the Company’s website. SUPPORTINGSTATEMENT: Freedomofassociation and collective bargaining are fundamental human rights protected by national and international legal standards including the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Universal Declaration of HumanRights. According to the ILO Freedom of association and collective bargaining permits workers and companies “to attain beneficial andproductivesolutionstopotentiallyconflictualrelationsbetweenworkersandemployers”andpromotes“peaceful,inclusive anddemocraticparticipationofrepresentativeworkers’andemployers’organizations.”Theseintrinsicallyrelatedfundamental humanrightsplayanimportantroleindemocratic societies. Collective bargaining entities help facilitate and enhance “the ability of their members to exercise core civil liberties. Amazonrecentlyenactedits Global Human Rights Principles, which states the Company’s commitment to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. However, the company has not demonstrated how its human rights policies and practices protect workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. These rights are also guaranteed by the aforementioned instrument. Overthepastyears,theCompanyhasbeensubjecttooverwhelmingnegativemediacoverageintheU.Sandinternationally accusing the company of limiting these fundamental rights through anti-unionization tactics including allegations of intimidation strategies, retaliation actions and surveillance systems. ThemisalignmentbetweentheCompany’spubliccommitmentsandthesereportsrepresentsmaterialreputational, legal andoperationalriskstoitsshareholders.Someshareholdershavethemselvescomeunderscrutinyforinvestingincompanies that are linked to human rights abuses, making effective due diligence on the company’s human rights practices material to their investment choices. Therefore, it is crucial for shareholders to understand how Amazon’s human rights policy and practices align with the fundamental rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining. Greater transparency on these issues would help address concerns about the Company’s reputation, clarify its commitment to basic human rights, and enable investors to perform their own human rights due diligence according with their fiduciary duty and protect long-term shareholder value. EndofShareholderProposalandStatementofSupport 58

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