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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS RECOMMENDATIONOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSONITEM11 WhyWeRecommendYouVoteAgainstThisProposal • Amazonleveragesits scale and assets for good to support charitable organizations and communities around the world. • Examples include the Amazon Housing Equity Fund, a commitment of more than $2 billion to preserve and create affordable homes in our hometown communities, and the AmazonSmile program, through which Amazon has donated more than $350 million to tens of thousands of charitable organizations supported by our customers. • Ourexisting disclosure on our charitable contributions provides ample information for our shareholders to understand the nature of our charitable activities. • Wehaveanappropriatelevelofoversight for our charitable contributions in which significant charitable contributions are made only after an extensive internal review and approval by senior leaders. WeLeverageOurScaleandAssetstoSupportCharitable Organizations and Communities Around the World Amazonbelievesinleveragingourscaleandassetsforgoodtosupportcharitableorganizationsandstrengthencommunities whereouremployeesandcustomersliveandwork.Weworksidebysidewith,andsupport,communitypartnerstobuild 43 long-term, innovative programs that will have a lasting positive impact on our communities. Examples of our work in communities include the Amazon Housing Equity Fund, which we established in 2021 to provide morethan$2billioninbelow-marketloansandgrantstopreserveandcreateaffordable homesforindividuals and families earning moderate to low incomes in our three hometown communities—Washington state’s Puget Sound region; the Washington, D.C., and Arlington, Virginia, metropolitan areas; and Nashville, Tennessee—and $125 million in grants to 44 minority-ledorganizationsandpublicagenciestohelpthembuildamoreinclusivesolutiontotheaffordablehousingcrisis. Amazon’sfirst commitments of more than $869 million will make up to 5,300 affordable apartment homes available in these communities with more investments to come. Amazon has also committed more than $130 million to our non-profit partners who are working to fight homelessness. We have provided more than $100 million in cash and in-kind donations to Mary’s Place to enable them to operate the largest family homeless shelter in Washington state inside one of our newest headquarters buildings in downtown Seattle, spanning eight floors and accommodating up to 200 family members each 45 night. ThroughAmazonSmile,wehavedonatedmorethan$350milliongloballytotensofthousandsofcharitableorganizations since 2013.46 Organizations around the world have been able to expand their work and make a meaningful impact in their communities thanks to these donations and customers who shop through the AmazonSmile program. AmazonSmile allows our customers, at no additional cost, to choose and support their favorite charitable causes by offering tens of millions ofeligibleitemsfromwhichtheAmazonSmileFoundationwilldonate0.5%ofthepurchasepricetocharitableorganizations pre-selected by customers. Donations from AmazonSmilehavesupportedhundredsofthousandsofnon-profits,including SavetheChildren,wherefundshaveprovidedtemporarylearningcenterstomorethan3,500childrenwhoareoutofschool amidconflict and food to more than 14,000 children missing meals during the pandemic, and Doctors Without Borders, 47 whereAmazonSmiledonationshavehelpedsavelivesinmorethan70countriesaroundtheworld. Charitableorganizations mustmeettherequirementsoutlinedinourparticipation agreement to be eligible for AmazonSmile. Organizations that engagein, support, encourage, or promote intolerance, hate, terrorism, violence, money laundering, or other illegal activities are not eligible to participate. If at any point an organization violates this agreement, its eligibility will be revoked. Since 2013,AmazonhasreliedontheU.S.OfficeofForeignAssetsControlandotherthird-partyorganizationstoprovidethedata for these determinations. 43 See; see also Amazon Sustainability 2020 Report: Further and Faster, Together, available at 44 See 45 See 46 See 47 See 54

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