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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS 7 8 EndofShareholderProposalandStatementofSupport RECOMMENDATIONOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSONITEM10 WhyWeRecommendYouVoteAgainstThisProposal • Wehavealreadypreparedtherequestedreportanddisclosedtheinformation sought by this proposal. As discussed in moredetail in the report, we do not include the types of confidentiality clauses mentioned in the proposal in the agreements our employees sign when hired, nor do we impose such restrictions through our Code of Business ConductandEthicsoranyotherpolicies applicable to our employees. • Wealsosupporteveryemployee’sright to speak freely about their work environment regardless of whether they have positive or critical perspectives or experiences. • In the limited circumstances when we may use these types of confidentiality clauses, such as when entering into a mutually agreed separation and severance agreement with an employee or when resolving claims made by an employeeorformeremployeethroughasettlementagreement,theclausesdonotprohibittheindividualfrom reporting concerns about allegedly unlawful conduct to appropriate law enforcement bodies or government regulators. • Wetakeanyallegations of unlawful conduct, including discrimination and harassment, very seriously. We carefully review and investigate allegations of conduct that is unlawful or violates our policies, regardless of the position of the individual involved and regardless of whether we enter into a settlement agreement with the person making the claims. Also, the Leadership Development and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, comprised of independent directors, receives detailed quarterly updates on any allegations of unlawful discrimination and harassment against employees in vice-president-level positions or above or employees investigated on behalf of Amazonbyanexternalinvestigator. • Given that we have already prepared the report requested in the proposal and given our policies and practices related to supporting employees’ ability to speak freely about discrimination, harassment, and other unlawful acts in the workplace, we recommend that shareholders vote against this proposal. Werecognizethatouremployeesarecritical to our success, and we strive to be Earth’s best employer. We work hard to foster a work environment in which all employees are empowered to do their best work, free of discrimination, harassment, or other unlawful conduct. As we highlight in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, we provide equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment of any kind. We take any allegations of unlawful conduct, including discrimination and harassment, very seriously. WeHaveAlreadyPreparedtheRequestedReport Tosupplementourexisting disclosures about our policies regarding discrimination and harassment, we published the report requested by the proposal discussing the limited circumstances when we enter into agreements with employees containing confidentiality clauses, including non-disclosure or non-disparagement clauses, that could restrict an employee’s ability to 42 publicly discuss allegations of unlawful acts in the workplace and the risks associated with our limited use of such clauses. Wesharedourreportwiththeproponentsandrequestedtheywithdrawtheproposal,buttheproponentsdeclined.Whilewe respect their right not to withdraw, we believe our disclosures address their concern. Key disclosures from that requested report are summarized below. WeDoNotIncludeTheseTypesofConfidentiality Clauses in Our Employee Hiring Agreements Wesupporteveryemployee’srighttospeakfreely about their work environment regardless of whether they have positive or critical perspectives or experiences. To embed this in our Company culture, the agreements that our employees sign when 42 SeeFostering a Work Environment Free of Discrimination and Harassment, available at environment-free-of-discrimination-and-harassment. 2022ProxyStatement 51

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