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Relentless commitment to long-term shareholder value AsI’ve discussed many times before, we are firm believers that the long-term interests of shareholders are tightly linked to the interests of our customers: if we do our jobs right, today’s customers will buy more tomorrow, we’ll add more customers in the process, and it will all add up to more cash flow and more long-term value for our shareholders. To that end, we are committed to extending our leadership in e-commerce in a way that benefits customers and therefore, inherently, investors--you can’t do one without the other. Aswekickoff2002,IamhappytoreportthatIamasenthusiastic as ever about this business. There is moreinnovation ahead of us than behind us, we are close to demonstrating the operating leverage of our business model, and I get to work with this amazing team of Amazonians all over the world. I am lucky and grateful. We thank you, our owners, for your support, your encouragement, and for joining us on this adventure. If you’re a customer, we thank you again! Jeffrey P. Bezos Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Inc.

Amazon Shareholder Letters 1997-2020 - Page 25 Amazon Shareholder Letters 1997-2020 Page 24 Page 26