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OUR INAUGURAL $1 BILLION ESG BOND In May 2022, American Express completed its first-ever ESG bond offering, maturing in 2029. We intend that an amount equivalent to the net proceeds of the $1 billion ESG bond will be allocated toward new and/or existing eligible projects in the Green and Social categories, as directed by the newly developed American Express Sustainable Financing Framework , which is aligned with the company’s global ESG strategy. Projects in the Green category include those related to green buildings, energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy, and the circular economy, such as expenditures related to updating American Express Cards to reclaimed or recycled plastics. Projects in the Social category include socioeconomic advancement and empowerment initiatives, such as expenditures and programs designed to drive economic growth among diverse groups through the procurement of products and services from diverse suppliers and vendors at least 51% owned by members of diverse populations, independently certified through a qualified agency. Other projects in the Social category include merchant support programs like our Shop Small campaign, financial empowerment programs, including support of the ByBlack platform to verify businesses as majority-owned by Black individuals, and community investments such as programs to enhance access to essential services and affordable housing. All net proceeds from the sustainable financing are expected to be fully allocated to eligible projects within two years of the date of issuance. Part I Introduction Part II Sustainable Financing Framework Part III Appendix Part IV Disclaimers The Powerful Backing of American Express April 2022 Sustainability Financing Framework Learn more by reading our newly developed American Express Sustainability Financing Framework , which is aligned with our global ESG strategy. 12 INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG

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