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Funding homes and inclusive real estate development Housing is key to community resilience and financial confidence. Our contributions to the Equitable Path Forward loan fund provide capital, grants, and program support to BIPOC and other historically marginalized developers in the real estate and community development industry. The CCD has also invested in a 39-unit affordable housing development in New Mexico. Units are reserved for members of the Mescalero Apache Tribe, with 20% of the project’s units for tribal members who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Supporting financial literacy for K-12 students We formed a new partnership with the Council for Economic Education (CEE), whose mission is to equip K-12 students with the tools and knowledge of personal finance and economics so that they can make better decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities. Our latest grant will support teacher training in low- or middle-income schools, financial literacy events for parents and their children, and presentations to students at community organizations supported by American Express. Helping students around the world Our global partnership with Junior Achievement Worldwide will provide financial literacy education and training to students in 11 countries including Canada, India, Hong Kong, Japan, and Mexico. The program’s main objectives include cultivating the attitudes and behaviors that young people need to become financially capable, focusing where possible on under represented and underserved communities. We plan to leverage our colleague volunteers to help teach and mentor students as part of the program and we expect the Junior Achievement Worldwide program to reach over 5,000 students. Working together to expand financial literacy Across the US and around the world, nonprofits are at work helping to make communities and individuals more financially resilient. American Express partners with several of these nonprofits, using our resources to help extend their reach and amplify their impact. granted to Grameen America, Inc. through our Center for Community Development $75K INCREASING ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE LOANS FOR UNDERSERVED WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS American Express grants aid community organizations in accomplishing their mission. In the US for example, a $75,000 grant to Grameen America, Inc. through our Center for Community Development is funding efforts to increase access to affordable loans to low-income, underserved women entrepreneurs. Through microloans invested in their small businesses, the program aims to create jobs, enhance financial literacy, boost incomes, and build credit. INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 75

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