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Our small business resources also responded to specific challenges and needs outside the United States. • In Japan, we collaborated with a delivery platform on discount offers, used crowd- funding to drive support for small restaurants impacted by the pandemic, and provided sanitization tool kits to help small business owners welcome their customers safely. • In the UK, consumers reported spending an estimated £598 million at small businesses on Small Business Saturday, held December 4, 2021. 9 • In Canada, approximately 145,000 Card Members enrolled in Shop Small offers, driving 582,000 redemptions at more than 90,000 merchants in 2021. • In Australia, American Express has given $24 million and more than 1.5 billion points back to Card Members through Shop Small offers from 2013 through 2021. MAKING A BIG IMPACT FOR LOCAL BUSINESSES WORLDWIDE Our flagship Shop Small campaign encourages consumers worldwide to support their local independent businesses. To address the challenges of the pandemic, we committed more than $100 million to encourage customers to support small businesses as part of our Let’s Go Shop Small campaign in 2021. In the UK, for example, our research showed that targeted social media drove UK consumers to spend more with small businesses. To connect consumers and merchants, we created an online map and shared Social Spotlights of four independent businesses in London. Overall, UK consumers reported spending an estimated £598 million at small businesses on Small Business Saturday in the UK. 9 In Australia, thousands of businesses took part in Shop Small, including many micro- businesses. “The resilience that Australian small business operators have shown throughout the COVID-19 crisis has been extraordinary. And it’s encouraging to see consumers, big business, and government rallying to back the sector, but now is not the time for complacency,” says Lisa Belcher, Vice President of Small and Medium Enterprises for American Express in Australia. “That’s why Shop Small is returning to remind shoppers that if they want to see these businesses survive, they have to take action and spend with them regularly.” 9. Estimated spend based on data collected from 4,000 UK adults polled by market research agency Opinium between 5pm on Saturday 4 December 2021 and 10pm on Sunday 5 December 2021. The £598 million figure for national spending calculated using ONS estimation of the UK adult population based on self-reported shopper estimates of spend and does not reflect actual receipts or sales. INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 63

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