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TCFD Recommendation Disclosure 4. Metrics & Targets 4a. Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process American Express tracks metrics to evaluate climate-related risks and opportunities including total GHG emissions, energy and water consumption, purchased and onsite renewable electricity, waste, and green building certifications. For a historical view of our metrics, see the Environmental Performance Data Summary section of our 2021–2022 ESG Report. 4b. Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks We track and disclose our Scope 1, 2, and 3 (Category 5 - Waste and Category 6 - Business Travel) GHG emissions annually. Emissions are calculated in alignment with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and third-party verified using the ISO14064-3 standard. Since 2018, we have been certified by CarbonNeutral®, a leading third-party framework, and powered by 100% renewable electricity across our global operations. 1 To maintain carbon neutrality, we continue to implement energy efficiency measures, purchase renewable EACs, carbon offsets, and have onsite solar panels at our data center in North Carolina and our office in the United Kingdom. For more information on our GHG emissions data for 2021, 2020, and 2019, refer to the Environmental Performance Data Summary on pages 96-99. 1. Achieved carbon neutral operations for Scope 1 (direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by American Express), Scope 2 (indirect and market-based emissions), and Scope 3 (waste and employee business travel, including third-party air, rail, and rental cars) emissions through renewable energy credits, carbon offsets, and reduced GHG emissions. Operations include all our managed facilities, field sites, and data centers). Managed facilities are individual properties operationally managed by our global real estate team and housing critical business functions. Field sites are individual properties that are not operationally managed by our global real estate team but directly by our business units. They are typically smaller sites, less than 30,000 square feet (including airport lounges, foreign exchange kiosks, and sales offices) that are owned or leased by American Express. INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 108

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