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      AMP Product Catalog | Generative AI

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      Proud 2020 Content Marketing Awards Finalist for “Short-Form Video Series” and Winner for “Best Short-Form Video or Video Series as Part of a 60-Second Content Marketing Program.” Solution Video 60-second video sharing how your solution solves a common Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details customer challenge in four Exposure to 40,000+ Apply for one per simple steps. quarter, pick one listing. 265,000 YouTube views. followers on AppExchange social $10K Learn more channels combined.

      Industry Product Demo Video for Demand Gen Generate contacts with a three-minute co-branded demo Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details video that highlights an industry 100+ Apply for one per you are targeting. quarter, pick one listing. opt-in contacts. $17.5K Learn more

      Product Demo Video Showcase your solution with a co-branded one-minute-and-20- second demo video. Common Ways to Use It Details - Add to AppExchange listing as a CTA for the Apply for one per “Watch Demo” button. quarter, pick one listing. - Share with your sales team. $10K Learn more - Add to your website.

      AppExchange Chat Connect in real time with prospects visiting your AppExchange listing(s) via Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details AppExchange Chat. % % % Select any or all listings 6 11 5 you want AppExchange of AppExchange Chat of AppExchange Chat of AppExchange Chat Chat included on. appearances turned conversations turned conversations turned Apply for 1 per year. into conversations into new leads. into meetings booked. (human + bot). $15K/ Learn more annually

      Category or Subcategory Promotion Show off your listing in the Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details sponsored spot on Estimated For ISVs only. a category or subcategory 30% Apply for 1 per listing. page for an entire quarter. average lift in listing traffic. $5K Learn more

      Consultants Page Promotion Show off your listing in the sponsored spot on the consultants page for an Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details entire quarter. Estimated For consulting 80% partners only. average lift in listing Apply for 1 per listing. traffic. $5K Learn more

      Custom Marketing Execute custom co-marketing where it’s beneficial to work directly with the AppExchange team. Details ISVs only. Provide a brief summary of your idea and goals and send to ampteam@ Custom Pricing

      Homepage Promotion Spotlight your listing for a month in the “Sponsored Solutions” section of the revamped AppExchange Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details homepage. Estimated Apply for one per 30% quarter, pick one listing. increase in listing traffic. $15K Learn more

      Industry Promotion Show off your listing in the sponsored spot on an industry page for an entire quarter. Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details Estimated For ISVs only. 20% Apply for one per increase in quarter, pick one listing. listing traffic. $5K Learn more

      Paid Media — Display Drive traffic to your listing with co-branded display banner ads. Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details Estimated Apply for one per 90% quarter, pick one listing. increase in listing traffic. $20K Learn more

      Paid Media — Social Drive traffic to your listing with co-branded social banner ads. Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details Estimated Apply for one per 90% quarter, pick one listing. increase in listing traffic. $20K Learn more

      Sponsored Search Result Rise to the top of the recently rebuilt, simplified AppExchange search experience. Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details 1,000+ For ISVs only. total unique seaches for Apply for one per each family of keywords. quarter, pick one listing. $7.5K Learn more

      SOL T VE IT ALES OF CUST ST FR OMER SUCCESS ORIES OM OUR P ORIES AR IT ST Ho TNERS  Cust VE omertimes heed Or SOL SOL o€ ‚ƒ„ƒƒƒ… †ust a aut VE omer omat OMER SUCCESS s t e the assi­ IT o diff nment TNERS er ent sa T AR ALES OF CUST ST ALES OF CUST es t T THE CHALLENGE errit ORIES FROM OUR P ul ories OMER SUCCESS er   Orkla is a leading supplier o v e o  ƒ FR  elii ‚ OM OUR P c l efficiec r gr f br ler o anded c io wing pr onsumer g AR esenc TNERS e in o oods, with a str e helped De ther selec siv io d oper ORIES bu t m ecur o siness units in its differ ark ong base in the Nor  e w Pr ST ts. With a lar Ho ou­h u g IT en e n dics and Baltics, and a s hr its br t m umber o THE SUCCESSFUL OUT ark ands and depar e f differ i­ hour VE ts, Orkla w en or as looking for h t sales t w tmen ools u SOL ts. I Orklased acr COME their w t needed t armoniza ’ s IT division w ork, pr oss v omo o en tion and mor ariou able its sales r s t ork e incr e tr ed in tandem with C OMER SUCCESS eased c or anspar with c ollabor eps with k ganiza ency be u tion. B st a e omers thr y kno tion and feedback loops, and op y implemen u ecursive is its ease tw st ALES OF CUST TNERS ough dyn wledg een omertimes t T AR e and insigh ting m amic pr able t o r o solv ultiple solutions fr ollout solutions acr ts t What’s best about Pr ed to other esen o suppor FROM OUR P ta e its sales ch tions. timiz t e the time sales r alleng om C oss the en CP u es. Alongside its e st t G pack omer tir a of use, especially compar ageps spen times e Orkla y firm th . The UX is super THE OPP e enh t ’ suit et anc xisting Salesfor e o echnolog k emen f o , is a t ent OR ts, which pr fferings, Orkla w e TUNIT also implemen tiv c THE CHALLEN„E omo tools on the mar  e u ut o sag as x A vided c e o B , Orkla implemen f C u t t o t solutions (DMS), an sinesses o ed C onsumer pack ack, par emen ft T Mobile tr ag tions. en need t a in , which is a mobile applica an t t er ag ed the C Dealer ce actions, including planning c ed g clean and it’s simplicity tying differ o unif esour r y their sales pr oods (CP T e dealership m om r egions in one unified pla The implementation of our new tiv f , fr es oping G) specific fea omo eamlines dealership oper e sc ut ensiv oc tion th t str tion o t taking func ffers a a x esses acr o COME u a tur e utiliza pieces together st t helps sales r t omer sit es. I a tform while en oss differ ur tion e solution th c t ar ality is also fully in ftw e and ac oect milestones, mak f its solution, including an e e the en CRM system is an important step e visits and visit e eps m tiv t o-end so ffec ed tion o o ensur abling all o an t ta e e a THE SUCCESSFUL OUT ests t Orkla ag end-t tion t t x e c ’ egr ec u t estim allocation to pr oduc f their sales r s bu st o ensur a utions. C omer siness units. Sales r t ool. I ough the implemen o-end pr oach HO towar ed with the en u y needed t ack thr W O eps. st tr omer es. oect management tool to , and end-t ed appr d pr t times ompan ual scheduling t c aining omiz THE  oviding our customers erprise r an e led Dealer st pr The c esour ursiv u esen eps ar esour ’ or it an easy prec a-based tr der r e also u sing a m P tion and c ta - alua tions t c as u e our adoption of the v with r o c sing the C e planning (ERP) s ough, person ough e u efor -thr st o schedule all its r alk elevant knowledge and es, but it w x w · E omers. Orkla c ears t ually f this thor n T P able sales r r esour an t, sandbo esult o Norw esen y r . st use and ther s a r t ems o e nine y ojec ’ er module pr . A wide a s C g y y eps with k , and a u st f ould tak t 1.5 hours m tion or ompan insight omer oduc e c ft , which helps impr t ursiv e . W er suc times in ts spen ec ec r y kno c e seek to become their orr ched the pr ed P essful in t t y c egr esiden a u wledg as c st a a single person w e pr omers in one unified pla in tions initially began in four bu t t tool is high. The fact that it’s  e t egr egr o tion w solution m . o suppor a a v ey essfully fully deplo tions in tion with e e sales en senior vic oncilia c pr v ec as suc t all efer t ue r ack h r o its D xisting Salesfor en tr ed partner and pr eek, se v anish m Each w e ce native is k tform siness units in unch, Dealer ark alesfor · ? o la e , ensuring r t Incr t. F c osting the ease in ur e applica y booking as c t added value to our r ovide ther r tions, Orkla e er ern ollout in v al c ollabor t . The time lost w e tasks. o addition e t checking e t Dayna Giles a xpanded these o da omple their or tion and tr elationships al c as up t o c thr oun ook t ganiza THIS HAS RESUL anspar ough excellent system support tries is c ecasting w ations ed tion ency acr urr t ? e the time it t , per a en and for TED IN ... om tly in the w educ ut oss o r ector t a TED IN ... ir sly no viou orks. THIS HAS RESUL e · Gener tion, pr . ea a Ander t cr t · siness, so it needed t ojec e s 200,000+ c bu f pr cing yner s Chr tion o esour gies in sales pr istian Gu u st ts, t simplifica omer visits ann den on the r bu CE tt siness units and t oc ormsen ving par A significan esses acr … f mo · educing the bur ually TUNIT t o y r oss differ · OR e a lo 2,000+ pr v errit a ories en R orking hours b t omo THE OPP ompanies h o do tasks early w ?  CECT ER y c es t In the case o tions h ving 500+ y tion andled b Sa echnolog · erifica y ­ € ‚C‚ e t t v f Orkla, it needed a field sales CRM y the field sales r tiv e the time it tak ojec essar · omo educ ed pr 60,000+ a ut t A o r a ting unnec y t om a a ut t, elimin solution th ut eps ann eam via a om t oduc a t pr t en need a w eps. a a ed assignmen ually ft o be t w y o ed t ould en cing st els for wh t v so the esour a ojec able it t ts o o who tr ual r t ca o achie f c an el alone is pr t u v eg st a ory e v omers t eased visibility in x e sales and vings on tr c ting the m ellenc o sales t a Incr y elimin · ost sa e with sta errit b els; the c t t CONSIDERA ories sales t e-o ts and ho ools. I f-the-art digital TIONS FOR CUST osts for fligh t w THE… ƒƒƒ c as possible t ITS SALES PR ? ear the suppor o achie OMERS NEEDING † DO t v HO oduc t o e this with OCESSES: t pr $1 million per y a f C u st T els for wh omer O IMPR v times. a O VE o who tr VE t O IMPRO · While a bu · Gain visibility in T siness can de ? OOKING ts OMERS L v Customer Story ojec c elop its o tion on pr onsider the c wn c a ? TIONS FOR CUST u st ollabor eam ost and time o om solution t ease c cing t CONSIDERA : t, · Incr esour Y ymen e f de o solv xisting solution. v e its bu den on the r TIONAL EFFICIENC ojects and deplo elopmen siness ch e bur t. Some tiv a OPERA times, it is mor alleng oing on with their pr es, it should t is g e the administr ould help a esponsibility as t c y r · educ a w wh Using Salesfor e c R o kno t is m ost · t t a -e an ., wh fficien omers w e t, c t t st aining (i. a e Na o u u C em tion, · e r tiv se an ack, it needed a solution th e solutions can m tr e alloca esponsible for wh in c t t dependencies ar egr f Dealer a a esour tion o e r o see who is r v ak o especially wh omers t f a solution in e the implemen In the case o , impr st u fficiency ws c e allo t al e ursiv o y ta o do this with ec our pr tion and tion r a as able t ?). P oduc omer t w st t suit . I u it boost oper alue a c . e m o v ally uch mor ern e and scale t x L er time t omiz earn mor e seamless. st ally and e u er fast ern o c t omers t e about C th in st and deliv bo u . ws c ts e e allo u tur st ursiv omertime ec r tion fea and str f P t o ’ e alloca s solution for sales en c t people for assignmen eamlined pr esour s r the suppor ’ e ers ursiv ec ork oc r t can simply selec P a · e w esses on the AppEx t onditions th emo ablemen ting rules and c ficial for r ch t ea e ang y cr b e . . This is especially bene ff t sta ou can be mor an v ele e means y e nonr t a e people ar and elimin wing wher ones. Kno for Demand Gen in differing time z . f their time es about them. tful o t car espec a r er th y tion, ersa ou as the emplo v w y on o kno f the c t t er o an t ees w en y t the c mplo ees a E y · o put emplo ou t ws y e allo ursiv ec r P ork. st the w t ju no e ursiv ec r e about P earn mor L . e ang ch e on AppEx e c Highlight customer wins in Learn mor for Salesfor an eye-catching co-branded digital asset. Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details 100+ Apply for one per quarter, pick one listing. opt-in contacts. $12.5K Learn more

      Customer Testimonial Video In this co-branded, interview-style Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details video, your customer shares 40,000+ Exposure to Apply for 1 per quarter, the impact of your solution on 265,000 pick 1 listing. their business. YouTube views. followers on AppExchange social channels. $12K Learn more

      Digital Asset Localization Reach a bigger audience by translating and redesigning an AMP digital asset into Details another language. Languages offered: Must have purchased -German -Spanish the promotion in English in a previous -Italian -Other languages may quarter. Original asset -Japanese be available upon creation date cannot be request older than two years. $2.5K Learn more -Portuguese

      NEWS FROM OUR P CONG ARTNER A THE EX CHANGE F ALL 2021 Onboar ding, When a ne w c u st omer is onboar m ded, ther an y doc e ar umen e ts th a Easy As... t need t them, including e o be deliv er ed t v o erything fr t om w o c elc ompan ome le y guidelines, t tt o sta ers t When these doc emen ts o f w umen ork. ts ar e cr ea t individually b ed and sen y differ t out en or t people in y ganiza our tion, the disc onnect ed pr e oc fficiency ess r , bo educ th for y es See ƒ ou and y ht  cotr our c AppEx u st ct €i„ ch omer ang . m…emet t ec e par  tner C c onga €e ’ pr s app C oo o onga CLM € c o vides an a C ut onga CLM helps or om a t ed solution t ganiza the c o help op tions unc u st omer e timiz oppor o v xperienc e tunities t er ne e o impr w . o v e the e their in fficiency o t ern f al oper a c tions and the w omm a unica y the t y e with the outside w u orld with eas se fea y tur -t es th o a t deliv er gr ea t r esults. A ut omt e t  r etrie v pr €  ocesses Icr Impr ese ccur o c v   „ e the e ƒ h er cust um err e omer ors xperiece Boost T emp R €t ec es eiving doc umen ts fr om m people cr ultiple co ea €€‚or t es mor tio e w ork for y c our Cosist u st omers, sinc When differ et ‚r e the  i…† y h en a t members o v e t ccur e o spend   pr c x tr f differ a time m  † t o„ eams ar en essio aking sur  e in t € €oo e the t er y’ acting with the same ˆ  „ v e r signed, and r ec ee€ eiv ed, c u st e omer turned e , it can lead t v ask erything y o inc ed for during their onboar ou’ onsist v e and c encies on fu ding sion if these t pr eams don oc ess. C h ’t onga C a v e ac omposer str c ess t and c eamlines o the same in onsolida form a C tion. t onga C es doc omposer giv Es se † umen them t ts, deliv es e v r ering ery eceiv o y y one on e† our c our t  eSi… u eams ac st omers quickly c cp  ess t ‚i€i tur it easier for c , m Icr o a single sour ties e aking ese ccur truth and allo c u e o st f omers t ws them t o r ec eiv e c o c and deliv , r e ollabor vie  w er the doc , k a e t  efficiec y doc e on A smoo umen umen ther cust ts back t ts, ensuring all c omer o‚or o y ou. u  st in omer t er pr Cr actions ar ocess  … i… ea e c ting c onsist r omple en e t and help t x doc ful. er efficiec umen  ts m is time-c an  onsuming and laboriou ually r s, o esulting in h ft um en Proud 2021 Platinum Winner an err or wr . Sending the ong doc umen t en tir ely v , or the wr ersion o ong f one , leads t o unnec The  back essary ‚i€i -and-for t t th and w o mer ast …e m ed time p…e ocumets u€ti‡ C . onga C omposer en ables y ou t send, and tr o cr ea t e ack the most c , Lear omple n mor onboar x e Simp ding doc €i„  o of MarCom Awards and 2021 umen ther ts c orr ƒise first time ectly the comp . €e x pr ocess ABOUT CONG ON A COMPOSER APPEX CHANGE. “Distribution — Technology ‰ CHANGE THE EX t SUMMER 2022 o­er tmen Publication” Finalist of the  Cu t t a Th  no aphics during the appoin Implemen eams with critical T€P e t O t omer demogr vic PR tmen st u y c e appoin e tings. tiv a our sales and ser e n thering k tful mee c tion Ga vides y Salesfor o e impac ess pr sh 1 oc , can pu t scheduling applica en scheduling pr v TNER and e AR t can help them plan mor e OM OUR P a c aring capabilities. tion th a ffers file-sh NEWS FR form tions, such as SUMO Scheduler t o t in o the Salesfor a ec e applica w t th tiv a ou see the dir e n Sumo Scheduler c om scheduling flo Salesfor st t only will y u No omer st our c u ed c om y . t tion fr ting f an educa a epor fits o form in e and r bene ectly enc fer e y r e files dir d for eas or Content Marketing Awards. or ou can st ec r but y ess. c y ac g for eas our or er within y e †u Act„… e ompanies Ar er ess. C ed †u oc Educat , especially in the sales pr er w ts e is po e clien tiv wledg wnload capabilities within their Kno do ospec vide pr o t aging file upload/ o pr oduc er esses t 2 v oc e le ar formed pr e in ak t scheduling pr o m ving tmen y need t emo e r appoin t the y ar a , the tion th a y doing so form es. B ess. with the in vic oc o apply for ser decisions or t aking barriers and speeding up the sales pr decision-m e  ƒ„… The e ultiple Wher o­er vide them with m our Cu t o ‚ o pr Meet om online ompanies t r xpects c e person. F ech- omer e st u ting with a liv s c y’ oda T o social media listings, t 3 thods for scheduling a mee tals t erms. me e scheduling por eam on their t ebsit our t o w ts t tbo e with y a ch o engag t t an ers w vvy buy Digital Magazine sa t a oce es th ang The ch T€P o o PRO ta can lead t o­er Enae­ent Pr e om this da our Sale ˆCu t o driv ays T , ‚ ools t esult fr tivity ting t r oduc t„­„‡e epor y O esses. B 5 W t boost in pr alytics and r oc e An tion pr c en tion, t tings, a significan tisfac e f mee e Salesfor omer r ag st omer sa er u st v u e umber o c L / ee y our our sales c emplo t y ts in y a e th emen ends such as the n trics such v e sur 4 o ta tr fit. Mak impr t da y sales me o es tmen e t ge the and pr ag er v tion le alyzing appoin ers can pinpoin an ag ome and pairing them with k an scheduling applica c , sales m e e in their ting t epor a ang t r s, and out tu ersion r ful ch sta v urbochar e objec on T c e meaning Salesfor tion and c eporting a our r e dur t and driv e y as stag emen v aximiz o o m t opportunities for impr our Customer capabilities. tions. ganiza Impact of Y or ce e le Re our aluab ‰ thing is mor o- our Mo t . No -t ‚ y e is its people ed Ma„­„‡e c esour an underutiliz ta in their da er th aluable r ag Meetings with Data an e m s most v vic aging da y’ e er ompan omer ser ds, and v st aximiz Feature for A c u o m om le der t fr tics, dashboar In or ts. Check o a sales or c aly eal-time T€P ting t e an O a c e a r ta v PR emen 5 str a fru ers can h aging da ag y can tion, a scheduling er ombining Salesfor an t the v , m a y c e omer engag t. B ar ff utiliza e le st ftw sta u talen tion so th e y c da tified t scheduling so ts. tion should utiliz ompanies ar e iden tmen ailability and utiliza v applica y’ v ole assignmen op c appoin t a t T e the s the tmen o tmen y ffing and r a ff appoin omers t ed appoin aximiz w w f sta ding sta st anc o a u adv t w o egar ffers o m vie ering c t o out a fe ed in w a t tics t a omer st t logic th aly orpor formed decisions r tion with empo u e in a assignmen ak t sales and c and an -facing m ombin a es th ailability such as skill, tion, in c v t ee a omer ta can be inc timiza ts. y st u w da tmen f clien emplo , and This op ff calendars, ensur t o ory ho on errit f their c ectly on sta , t t o e time in fr ailability ed appoin v t , a a ole impac , a om schedule dir es spend mor r ut tiv s a ta y’ esen epr tion. o e r loca ompan servic c ess t tings. SUMO Scheduler oc mee tform t pla t scheduling pr en emen v and e omer st t u omer engag e c st e u c tmen ease sales, ensur ee Learn mor incr y e emplo v t includes online appoin o a , and th . hane t scheduling tion, and impr c en en AE v t e , e r heduler on and SUMO Sc scheduling as seen firsth tion. about , h tisfac Demand Gen ed sa queue scheduling fit e bene v a omers h st u w its c ho Build brand trust with a Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details thought-leadership advertorial Exposure to 200+ Apply for one per in The Exchange, AppExchange’s 265,000 quarter, pick one listing. quarterly digital magazine. opt-in contacts. followers on AppExchange social channels. $20K Learn more

      Executive Interview Video Showcase your solution’s capabilities with a video interview between an executive at your Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details company and a Salesforce MVP. 40,000+ Exposure to Apply for one per 265,000 quarter, pick one listing. YouTube views. followers on AppExchange social channels. $12K Learn more

      Healthcare Industry Webinar Showcase your thought leadership in the healthcare industry through a 30-minute interview style “fireside Anticipated Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details chat” webinar. 75 Apply for one per quarter, pick one listing. opt-in webinar attendee registration contacts. $13K Learn more

      Industry E-Book for Demand Gen Tell the story of how your solution helps solve industry- and role- specific challenges with a Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details customized PDF featuring a 100+ Apply for one per quarter, pick one listing. hypothetical use-case scenario. opt-in contacts. $15K Learn more

      Trailhead Modules for Salesforce Customers Create two custom Trailhead Anticipated Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details modules that highlight a thought 2,000 For Summit-tier leadership topic alongside your ISV partners only. badge completions. product information. $50K Learn more

      Video Asset Localization Reach a bigger audience by translating and redesigning an AMP video promotion into Details Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details another language. Languages offered: Must have purchased -German -Spanish the promotion in English in a previous -Italian -Other languages may quarter. Original asset -Japanese be available upon creation date cannot be request older than two years. $5K Learn more -Portuguese

      Customer Demo Video for Solution Engineers Tell a real customer success story in a three-minute demo video. Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details 6,000+ For ISVs only. total visits to hosting Apply for one per $7.5K Learn more library per week. quarter, pick one listing. Internal only.

      Demo Jam for Solution Engineers Battle other partners in a virtual game-show style webinar and get connected with Salesforce SEs Historical Metrics Note: Metrics are a guide, not a guarantee. Details interested in learning more about 250+ For ISVs only. your solution. SE Demo Apply for one every Jam views. two quarters, pick one listing Internal only. $5K Learn more