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Merchandise Items The Apple channel signature must be accompanied by the reseller identity on any mer- chandise item. Submit merchandise proposals to your Apple representative for approval before production begins. Follow these guidelines when planning merchandise selections: • Never place an Apple logo alone on any merchandise item. Always use your Apple channel signature along with your company or store identity. • The Apple channel signature and reseller identity must be used in such a way that there is no implied endorsement by Apple of the manufactured item. • An Apple channel signature can be included with the reseller identity on high-quality keychains, mugs, pens, notebooks, and portfolios. • Apple never approves branded merchandise that can be associated with gambling, such as playing cards, dice, or betting tokens. • Apple never approves branded sports equipment such as golf clubs, sport balls, gloves, team jerseys, or racquets. • Sports-related merchandise, such as water bottles and baseball caps, can be produced in limited quantities. Apple-approved channel-branded merchandise can be given away at strategic events, such as store openings and major trade shows, to promote your affiliation with Apple. Merchandise that contains an Apple channel signature must not be sold by your store or business, and it must not be resold to or by a third party. Apple channel affiliates and their employees cannot sell or trade channel-branded merchandise. The Apple channel signature must be accompanied by the reseller identity on all merchandise, no matter how small the item. Follow the minimum size requirements on page 10. If both the reseller identity and the Apple channel signature cannot fit on an item, do not use the signature. Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel Affiliates and Apple-Certified Individuals August 2016 24

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