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Contents Apple Sales Web Reseller Store Identity 5 Apple Sales Web 35 Reseller Store Identity Using Apple Channel Signatures 36 Naming and Identity Practices 7 Apple Channel Signatures 37 Store Exterior, Apple Channel 8 Choosing a Configuration Signature 9 Signature Color 38 Store Exterior, Requirements 10 Minimum Clear Space and 39 Store Exterior, Signature Selection Minimum Size and Size 11 Typography 40 Store Exterior, Signature Placement 12 Avoid Signature Mistakes 41 Store Exterior, Avoid Mistakes 13 Displaying Multiple Apple 42 Store Exterior, Signature Placement Authorizations at Eye Level 14 Avoid Mistakes When Displaying 43 Store Exterior, Window Cling Multiple Apple Authorizations 44 Store Exterior, Sign Illumination 15 Using the Apple Channel Signature 45 Store Exterior, Dedicated Service Area on Headers 46 Store Exterior, Nonconforming Signs 16 Avoid Header Mistakes 47 Store Exterior, Window Displays 17 Reseller Websites 48 Store Interior, Fixture Design 18 Email Signatures and Materials 19 Social Media 49 Store Interior, Avoid Fixture Mistakes 20 Ebooks 50 Store Interior, Avoid Fixture Mistakes 21 Advertising —Continued 22 Events 51 Store Interior, Communications 23 Vehicles 52 Store Interior, Multi-brand Concessions 24 Merchandise Items Signage 25 Shirts 53 Store Interior, Multi-brand Concessions 26 Shopping Bags Signature 27 Stationery 54 Store Interior, Signs 55 Store Interior, Banners Apple-Certified Individuals Editorial Guidelines 29 Apple-Certified Individuals 57 Using Apple Authorizations in Text Using Apple Assets 58 Using Localized Apple Authorizations 31 Using Apple Assets in Text 32 Refresh Apple Assets 59 Using Apple Product Names 33 Avoid Mistakes When Using Apple Apple Trademarks and Credit Lines Product Photos 61 Using Apple Trademarks 62 Trademark Symbols and Credit Lines For More Information 64 For More Information Apple Identity Guidelines for Channel Affiliates and Apple-Certified Individuals August 2016 3

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