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FY22 IMPACT REPORT OVERVIEW ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY GOVERNANCE APPENDIX 08 Impact governance Company-wide launch We are operationalizing and integrating our impact strategy across During 2021, we introduced employees across Autodesk to our our business. This begins with deepening and expanding how impact strategy, reinforcing our company vision of a better world we govern impact. Our Board of Directors provides oversight of designed and made for all, strengthening our culture of impact, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues overall at and inspiring employees to play a role in realizing our strategy. Autodesk. In 2022, our Board of Directors Corporate Governance By aligning, inspiring, and activating Autodesk employees to bring and Nominating Committee and Compensation and Human impact into their work, we can accelerate progress. Resources Committee began assisting the Board with such oversight in the areas defined in their charters. See Corporate Impact measurement and management governance. Also beginning in 2022, Autodesk’s ESG Steering Committee—composed of leaders from Finance, Legal, Human For more than 10 years, we have publicly reported metrics that Resources, and Impact—convenes quarterly to review and demonstrate our progress and impact, such as greenhouse gas prioritize issues relevant to the company’s ESG strategy. (GHG) emissions, energy use, employee demographics, and See Company strategy and Accountability. philanthropic investments. We have set and made progress against goals related to our carbon footprint and diversity and belonging. Sustainability financing As a software company, however, our biggest opportunity to create impact at scale is by enabling our customers to harness data and To drive investments in innovative projects to advance sustainable generate insights to improve design and make decisions. outcomes in our industries, we are further aligning our impact Although these activities are complex, multidimensional, and strategy with our financial strategy. In October 2021, we issued outside of our direct control, we know that making and managing our first sustainability bond offering totaling $1 billion. We are progress in these areas, and helping customers do the same, applying proceeds to fund projects in a broad range of areas, requires measurement. We are working to develop meaningful such as eco-efficient products, production technologies, and metrics to push our business, support our customers, and processes; sustainable water and wastewater management; advance the industry. renewable energy and energy efficiency; and socioeconomic The Autodesk Foundation has gained important insights into the advancement and empowerment. To expand the benefits associated complexity of opportunities presented by impact measurement. with processing the offering, we brought in three diverse banks— As we advance and scale Autodesk’s impact strategy, we continue including one veteran-owned, one Black-owned, and one Black to apply these learnings to better enable customers to measure woman–owned/managed—as partners in our bond deal working and manage impact—and drive collective progress in our markets alongside top multinational banks. Later in 2022, we will publish and industries overall. a Sustainability Bond Impact Report, describing use of proceeds and expected and/or realized impacts, when feasible. Learn more Moving forward about our Sustainability Financing Framework. During 2021, we also refinanced an Autodesk line of credit and We have only begun to capitalize on the broad potential of tied it to our corporate sustainability targets of reducing carbon integrating our impact strategy into our business. In the coming emissions and increasing women in tech. If we meet those targets, years, we will continue expanding our governance frameworks, we are charged slightly lower rates. The Autodesk Carbon Fund refining our operating model, improving metrics and management, is another key aspect of our approach. Through an internal price and driving accountability throughout the company. This will on carbon, which capitalizes the Fund, we invest in our efficiency enable us to better meet growing stakeholder expectations and and decarbonization targets as well as renewable energy and manage rapidly evolving risks while unlocking tremendous certified carbon offset and removal projects. opportunities for Autodesk and our customers.

Autodesk FY2022 Impact Report - Desktop Version - Page 8 Autodesk FY2022 Impact Report - Desktop Version Page 7 Page 9
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