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FY22 IMPACT REPORT OVERVIEW ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY GOVERNANCE APPENDIX 70 Suppliers Ethics and Human and business Public compliance rights partners policy At Autodesk, we recognize that every group and individual Autodesk promotes human rights wherever it does business. Our Partner Code of Conduct, expanded in 2022, outlines the Autodesk advocates for public policies around the world involved in our business, from our investors to our resellers to The Autodesk Human Rights Policy describes our commitments standards and practices we require our business partners, that enable people to design and make a better world for all. our customers and coworkers, holds a stake in the future of our in this area, as well as how we promote human rights among including suppliers, vendors, channel partners, and others to We champion public policies in the following areas: company. Our success comes from our shared commitment to our employees, suppliers, business partners, and customers. follow while conducting business with or on behalf of Autodesk. ● Enabling more sustainable construction and manufacturing acting as One Team. Delivering on that commitment requires Autodesk supports and upholds human rights as outlined in the It also specifies that business partners must support ● Advancing digital transformation in the manufacturing and that our relationships with each other be founded on trust and International Bill of Human Rights, which includes the Universal internationally recognized human rights and comply with all architecture, engineering, and construction industries respect, which we must earn every day by always adhering to Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil applicable laws and regulations regarding health and safety in the highest standards of ethical business conduct. and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, the workplace, the eradication of human trafficking and slavery, ● Protecting consumer privacy and fostering emerging Our Code of Business Conduct (COBC), last updated in February Social, and Cultural Rights. We also support the rights described and the elimination of child labor. We also require our partners technologies 2022, articulates standards of conduct meant to ensure we in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights to support fair labor practices. If business partners don't abide ● Investing in climate change–resilient buildings do what’s right for all our stakeholders and is aligned with our at Work. by the Partner Code, they are subject to a range of actions, up to and infrastructure Culture Code. termination of their relationship with Autodesk. ● Improving water management, resiliency, and cleanliness During the first quarter of each fiscal year, all Autodesk officers View our Conflict Minerals Policy and Autodesk Limited’s Statement on The Partner Code also promotes supplier diversity, and ● Scaling up skills development for the future of work and active employees, including those of our global subsidiaries, Countering Slavery and Human Trafficking. encourages our US-based suppliers and vendors to certify as are required to review and reaffirm their commitment to the diverse suppliers (if applicable), develop their own supplier ● Advancing equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion COBC and complete COBC training. For fiscal year 2022, 100% of Learn more about our approach and performance in areas related to human diversity programs, and support diverse businesses. To drive Autodesk does not contribute to individual political candidates. 1 rights such as diversity and belonging, employee health and safety, and GHG emissions reduction in our supplier base, the Partner Code We have a longstanding global policy prohibiting contributions active employees completed this requirement. privacy and data security. Autodesk Foundation also supports human rights Our COBC includes instructions for reporting potential violations through investments that drive progress related to Energy & Materials, encourages our business partners to implement environmental at any level. The company does not have a political action Health & Resilience, and Work & Prosperity. management systems, report GHG emissions to CDP annually, committee. Rarely, Autodesk may engage with 501(c)4s or on of the law or Autodesk policy. Autodesk’s Business Ethics and and set science-based targets by 2026. ballot measures, and we publicly disclose those engagements. Compliance Hotline enables employees and third parties to report suspected violations for investigation and resolution. To embed responsible sourcing into our procurement process, We are committed to complying with all applicable anticorruption in 2022 we are introducing environmental, social, and governance Reflecting enhanced public disclosure of our political laws and regulations. This includes the US Foreign Corrupt questions into our request for proposal (RFP) process and are engagement and a new Board of Directors oversight Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and any similar local regulations providing training to relevant sourcing teams on these requirements. policy, Autodesk rose to the First Tier of companies This covers information about fair labor, human rights, GHG in the 2021 CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political in the areas where we operate. Partners must abide by these emissions, and science-based targets for all RFPs globally, and Disclosure and Accountability. Our score of 85.7 (out same standards while conducting business with or on behalf questions about supplier diversity for RFPs in the United States. of 100) was 38.3 points above the IT sector average. of Autodesk. In addition, we have added questions about sustainable business We require periodic anticorruption training for all employees and practices to RFPs worldwide related to IT infrastructure, IT Learn more about our public policy efforts, political contributions additional specialized anticorruption training for employees who hardware, facilities, marketing, events, and travel. policy, required disclosures such as lobbying reports, and a list of trade associations, think tanks, and other organizations we belong to that work in roles of heightened risk. advance important company interests and public policy goals.

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