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TEAM STRUCTURE & OUTSOURCING Half of all respondents said their organization outsources at least one content marketing activity, with large companies being the most likely to outsource. Two years ago, 71% of respondents from large companies said they outsourced, compared with 61% the previous year. The figure is back up again, and even higher than two years ago (75% vs. 71%). Does Your B2B Organization Outsource Any Content Marketing Activities? All Respondents Small Medium Large (1-99 Employees) (100-999 Employees) (1,000+ Employees) Yes 50% 37% 54% 75% No 50% 63% 46% 25% Base: Content marketers. 12th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2021 18

B2B Content Marketing 2022 Research - Page 18 B2B Content Marketing 2022 Research Page 17 Page 19

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