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KEY TAKEAWAYS The pandemic prompted new strategies to capture Virtual events and webinars produced the best results. audience attention. Respondents said that among the content types they use, virtual Half of all respondents said it had become increasingly difficult to capture events/webinars/online courses produced the best results in the last their audience’s attention in the last 12 months. Many marketers shifted to 12 months (58%) — the most successful agreed (66%). Webinars also digital marketing and online selling. In addition, many said they adopted a came out on top as the type of video format that produced the best more empathetic tone toward their audiences. See pages 6 and 9. results. See pages 26 and 27. Small teams are still the norm. Most marketers successfully used content marketing Our annual research consistently finds that most organizations have to create brand awareness, build credibility/trust, small (or one-person) marketing/content marketing teams serving and educate audiences. the entire organization (58%). Indeed, many content marketers are Creating brand awareness (80%), building credibility/trust (75%), and spread thin: 67% said their team was asked to do more with the same educating audiences (70%) were the top goals respondents achieved resources in the last 12 months. See pages 9 and 15. by using content marketing in the last 12 months. Top performers surpassed their peers in several areas at achieving content marketing Outsourcing budgets appear to have freed up a bit – goals. See pages 37 and 38. the biggest outsourcing challenge was finding partners with topical expertise. Marketers spent more on paid content promotion. Among those who outsource at least one content marketing Forty-five percent of respondents said their spending on paid activity, 40% said budget issues were a challenge compared with channels increased in the last 12 months. Of those who used paid 51% the previous year, indicating more budget for outsourcing. The content promotion, 77% used social media advertising/promoted top challenge for those who outsource was finding partners with posts. The top two platforms where they’re spending? LinkedIn (75%) adequate topical expertise (65%) — a compelling reason to hire and Facebook (69%). See pages 31 and 32. employees who can learn the company’s products and market and/or to hold on tightly to quality freelancers. See pages 18 and 19. 51

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