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Notes to Pages 58–63 203    10. E. D. Nixon, “It Took Guts to Do These Things,” in Wigginton, ed., Refuse to Stand Silently By, 221. 11. Alabama Tribune, December 18, 1953. 12. Montgomery Advertiser, April 15, 1954, April 17, 1954, May 2, 1954. The four male officers were Lee E. Jarrett, Walter L. Jarrett, Willie C. Miller, and Arthur G. Worthy. The editorial board of the Alabama Tribune, in its October 1, 1954, issue, praised the City of Montgomery for “taking the lead in Alabama in the area of sound civic progress. It recently placed three Negro women on its police force to bring its number of Negro law enforcement officers up to seven. It is the first Alabama city to employ Negro women for school traffic purposes.” 13. King Jr., “Mental and Spiritual Slavery,” May 1954, in Papers of Mar- tin Luther King, Jr., 6: 167–70. 14. King Jr., “A Religion of Doing,” July 4, 1954, in Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., 6: 170–74. King adapted this quotation from Fosdick’s sermon “There Is No Death,” in which Fosdick wrote: “I plead instead for a church that will be a fountainhead of a better social order. Any church that pretends to care for the souls of people but is not interested in the slums that damn them, the city government that corrupts them, the economic order that cripples them, and international relations that, leading to peace or war, determine the spiritual destiny of innumerable souls—that kind of church, I think, would hear again the Master’s withering words: ‘Scribes and Phar- isees, hypocrites!’” (Harry Emerson Fosdick, The Hope of the World, 25). King, “What Is Man?” July 11, 1954, in Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., 6: 174–79. 15. Wigginton, ed., Refuse to Stand Silently By, 221. See also Gray, Leven- thal, Sikora, and Thornton, The Children Coming On, 13–14. Virginia Durr to Mairi and Clark Foreman, September 8, 1954, in Sullivan, ed., Freedom Writer, 75; Alabama Tribune, September 10, 1954. 16. King Jr., “God’s Love,” December 23, 1962, ET-40, Martin Luther King Estate Collection. King may have gotten this illustration from Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited, 50. King, “God’s Love,” September 5, 1954, in Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., 6: 179–81. 17. King Jr., “Vision of a World Made New,” September 9, 1954, in Pa- pers of Martin Luther King, Jr., 6: 181–84. 18. Warlick, “‘Man of the Year’ for ’54,” 27; Alabama Tribune, July 30, 1954; Montgomery Advertiser, “Colored Section,” November 23, 1954. 19. Garrow, ed., The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It, 37. 20. King Jr., Stride toward Freedom, 27, 34.

Becoming King: Martin Luther King Jr. - Page 224 Becoming King: Martin Luther King Jr. Page 223 Page 225