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BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 106 APPENDIX Aspect: Customer Privacy Standard Disclosure Our Response GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016 GRI 103: Management approach disclosure BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Risk Management, p.42–48 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Legal Proceedings, p.183–186 Data Privacy Aspect: Socioeconomic Compliance Standard Disclosure Our Response GRI 419: Socioeconomic Compliance 2016 GRI 103 : Management approach disclosure BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Risk Management, p.42–48 419 -1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Legal Proceedings, p.183–186 * CDP Response Footnote: CDP formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project

BNY Mellon ESG Report - Page 106 BNY Mellon ESG Report Page 105 Page 107