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BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 81 GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Emissions Reduction In 2019, BNY Mellon set a Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions reduction target of 20% by 2025, including data centers, relative to a 2018 base year. This Scope 1 and 2 target aligns with the SBTi methodology aimed at limiting increases in global warming to well below 2ºC. We remain committed to meeting or exceeding this target. In 2021, we reduced such emissions by 12%, including data centers, contributing to a 36% cumulative abatement since 2018. Reductions in our 2021 Scope 1 and 2 emissions were the result of COVID-19 impacts on our workplace, a decrease in our office space, continued investment in energy efficiency initiatives such as improvements in building controls and data center cooling systems, and improvements in the carbon intensity of the electricity grid around the world. We are making targeted investments in LED lighting in many of our offices and are progressing solar panel installations at two owned sites within our property portfolio to further reduce our emissions in future years. Carbon Neutral Since 2015 We have been carbon neutral for our global direct Scope 1, indirect Scope 2 and Scope 3 business travel emissions since 2015. Our three-part approach for achieving carbon neutrality includes: (1) reducing our energy use and related GHG emissions, as described above; (2) procuring renewable electricity through Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs); and (3) purchasing carbon offsets to compensate for any remaining emissions in our footprint. In 2021, we sourced 99% of electricity used to power all global locations, including data centers, from renewable sources, generally in the form of RECs – accepted market-based legal instruments that convey the environmental attributes of renewable energy generation and use. To compensate for operational emissions that cannot be eliminated through energy efficiency and renewable electricity, we purchase carbon offsets through clean energy financing and carbon sequestration initiatives. In 2021, 50% of our carbon offsets were directed to the funding of renewable energy projects globally, 25% funded grassland conservation and reforestation projects in the U.S, and 25% funded solar water heating in India. Data Center Emissions As BNY Mellon undergoes a digital transformation, our usage of data has grown, which requires additional data center support and increases our energy use. In 2021, our enterprise data centers accounted for approximately 46% of the electricity used in our global properties, equivalent to 42% of our total Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions, making them a critical component of our strategy to meet emissions targets. In our daily management of the enterprise data centers, the power usage effectiveness (PUE) is continuously monitored to confirm that each facility is operating efficiently. To achieve our five-year goal to reduce GHG emissions, we offset our increased energy use by replacing legacy mechanical and electrical equipment with newer and more energy-efficient systems. Independent Verification BNY Mellon engages an independent, third-party organization to verify our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 business travel emissions, renewable energy purchases and carbon neutrality status at a limited assurance level (see the full verification statement ). The verification of o ur emissions lends transparency and confidence in our methodology, and enhances our ability to track energy- efficiency opportunities. A CDP Climate Change Leader In 2021, BNY Mellon was again named to the Climate Change “A List” for our actions to reduce emissions, mitigate climate risks and develop thoughtful initiatives. Over 13,000 companies responded to CDP’s 2021 climate change questionnaire, and only 200 achieved the Climate “A List.” BNY Mellon is one of two U.S.-based financial services companies to earn Climate “A List” and is the only U.S.-based financial institution to earn this ranking from CDP for nine consecutive years. 41 WATER CONSERVATION We decreased water consumption by 60% in 2021 relative to a 2015 baseline, though a large portion of this reduction was related to lower office occupancy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We achieved sustained reductions in water consumption through upgrades to high-efficiency fixtures during renovations, updates to irrigation systems, leak detection and monitoring of mechanical equipment. 41 The A List 2021 , CDP

BNY Mellon ESG Report - Page 81 BNY Mellon ESG Report Page 80 Page 82