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BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 91 APPENDIX GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE (GRI) INDEX CATEGORY: STANDARD DISCLOSURES Aspect: Organizational Profile Standard Disclosure Our Response GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016 102-1 Name of the organization BNY Mellon Annual Report 202 1, General, p.3 102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Results of Operations, p.3 BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Results of Operations, p.14-24 102-3 Location of headquarters BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Corporate Information, inside back cover 102-4 Location of operations BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , International operations, p.22-24 BNY Mellon Location Directory 102-5 Ownership and legal form BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , General, p.3 102-6 Markets Served BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Review of business, p.14-22 BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , International operations, p.22-24 10 2-7 Scale of the Organization BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Review of business, p.14-21 BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , International operations, p. 22-24 102-8 Information on employees and other workers EE01 Document, see end of GRI Index BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , Human capital, p.3-5 102-9 Supply chain BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Supply Chain, p.83-85 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain BNY Mellon Annual Report 2021 , A Winning Strategy, II-XIII 10 2-11 Precautionary Principle or approach BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Environmental Sustainability, p.79-83 BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Responsible Financing and the Equator Principles, p.67 102-12 External initiatives BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Support for Responsible Investing, p.58 Trade Association Memberships 102-13 Membership of associations BNY Mellon Enterprise ESG Report 2021, Support for Responsible Investing Initiatives, p.58 Trade Association Memberships BNY Mellon 2022 Proxy Statement Item 1 Election of Directors, p.12–17

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