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51 Dark Gray #787664 RGB: 120.118.100 CMYK:
 Pantone: 403 CP Mid Gray #CAC4B7 RGB: 202.196.183 CMYK:
 Pantone: P 178-1 U Light Gray #F3F1EE RGB: 243.241.238 CMYK:
 Pantone: P 134-9 U Bolt Black #11190C RGB: 17.25.12 CMYK:
 Pantone: 419 C Lightning Yellow #E6FF00 RGB: 230.255.0 CMYK:
 Pantone: 809 U While printing:
 Safety Yellow 13-0630 TN Backup: 809 U or 809 C. Last resor t: CMYK Primary colors Our main set of colors are a handful of neutral warm grays, 
 a deep beautiful Bolt Black and
 our vibrant hero color Lightning Yellow. These colors are used on all pieces of Bolt communication in one form or anot her. I ntroductio n S trateg y Tone of V oic e Log o Typograph y A r t D irectio n I llustratio n I conograph y Ex pression s C omponent s M otio n C ontact C olo r

Bolt Brand Book - Page 51 Bolt Brand Book Page 50 Page 52