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63 Type hierarchy The quickest, safest effortless-est
 way to pay for something online. Subline: Agrandir Narrow Medium Shockingly simple. Headline: Agrandir Narrow Bold Visit for more information. Annotation: Inter Checkout often causes e-commerce anxiety. A less t han seamless checkout experience can cause abandoned car ts, fraud concerns,
 and general frustration t hat can stop a purchase in its tracks. Bolt relieves t hat burden, enabling shoppers to breeze t hrough
 checkout and consistent ly conver ting guest shoppers into loyal
 account holders for better business in t he shor t term and long run. Body copy: Inter Button: Inter Whenever we write and design copy, please ensure to use t he following examples as guidance. Checkout Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Typography

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