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Turn stress into success Checkout often causes e-commerce anxiety. A less t han seamless checkout experience can cause abandoned car ts, fraud concerns, and general frustration t hat can stop a purchase in its tracks. Bolt relieves t hat burden, enabling shoppers to breeze t hrough checkout and consistent ly conver ting guest shoppers into loyal account holders for better business 
 in t he shor t term and long run. Checkout can not only become your greatest strengt h for first-time customer
 conversion, but a star ting point for creating customers 
 for life. Merchants worr y less, learning from more first-
 par ty data to improve customer experiences and 
 t heir results over time. Shoppers worr y less, 
 enjoying t he effor t lessness of a secure, logged-in experience across more merchants and purchasing 
 wit h confidence. Bolt empowers a mutually beneficial relationship 
 between merchants and shoppers, not inter vening 
 like a self interested middleman. Whet her you ’re 
 shopping or selling, Bolt is built better for you — 
 a win-win, all around. 12 Strategic territory Introduction Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Strategy

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