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27 What it means We take a witty, slight ly acerbic approach to language. Our copy should feel fun and playful, quippy, punny, present—like riffing wit h a friend. Our tone should demonstrate cultural fluency 
 —t hat we’re in on t he joke. We balance t his by avoiding being seen as a tr y-hard, or too interested in being perceived as cool. We don’ t write zingers, take shots at competitors, use dad jokes, or tor ture t he copy to land a quick laugh. How it affects our writing Elevate humor wit h insight. Quips and puns 
 are good, but t hey ’re better when t hey ’re 
 smar t. We can avoid being generic subway 
 ad copy by signaling relevance and familiarity. Knowingly playful ToV Principle Two Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

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