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One click. Checked out. Need help? Get answers here. Bolt One Click is now connec ted to your BigCommerce store. There are a few more steps 
 you’ll need to take in your BigCommerce dashboard to ensure a successful integration. C o n g rat u l at i o n s ! Go back to BigCommerce ➂ Bolt One Click is now connec ted to your BigCommerce store. There are a few more steps 
 you’ll need to take in your BigCommerce dashboard to ensure a successful integration. C o n g rat u l at i o n s ! Go back to BigCommerce S T E P 1 D i s a b l e O t h e r C re d i t C a rd F i e l d s For your customer to have a streamlined, attrac tive experience inputting their credit card infor mation, disable any another credit card payment fields. Full guide. S T E P 2 R e q u i re a S h o p p e r P h o n e N u m b e r For guest shoppers to effec tively create a Bolt account
 and leverage Bolt ’s One Click experience during their subsequent purchases, set the phone number field 
 as required. Full guide. ➀ Behind text and photography ➁ Behind photography. ➂ Zoomed in on site or 
 email headers. ➀ ➁ Introduction Strategy Tone of Voice Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Components Motion Contact E xpressions 124 Ex a mp les H ere are a fe w w ays w e use our b olt shapes. They can b e used as b ac k ground graphics or z oomed in to create more corner textures allo w ing w ritten content to shine.

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