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Chapter 4 User InterfaCe DesIgn React Native React Native is a platform for creating a native mobile application using React. It provides a set of React components that bind to their native mobile counterpart; it also provides features to create your own components and bind them to native mobile code. As shown in Figure 4-9, it provides native mobile application-building capability to the RTS. Redux-MobX Redux is a simple state management engine for JavaScript. Redux helps you to write applications that behave consistently, and run in different environments (client, server, and native). MobX is a simple, scalable state management solution. MobX is just a library to solve state management problems, not an architecture or even state container in itself. MobX is used for small-scale project, whereas Redux is mainly used for complex and large-scale projects. MobX has more than one store for data storage, whereas Redux has only one large store for data storage. Redux and MobX both are the libraries that are used to manage the application state in one way or the other. These libraries are mainly combined with front-end libraries like React to develop the UIs more interactively and to show changing data over time. Flux Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications; it’s a pattern rather than a formal framework. It is a kind of architecture that complements React and the concept of unidirectional data flow. It is the data layer in JavaScript applications and building client-side web applications. React takes care of V or the view part in MVC, whereas Flux is a programming pattern that takes care of the M in MVC. Jest Jest is used by Facebook to test all JavaScript code including React applications. As shown in Figure 4-9, it provides testing capability to the RTS. 138

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