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Chapter 5 Designing the integration Layer Session Management Session management is a way to manage the state of the application. A DXP uses HTTP protocol to provide data and persistence services to applications because HTTP is a stateless protocol; stateless means that the server can send client requests to any node in the clusters while load balancing the application. Each time, a user’s request is independent because there is no state; a user request can be distributed to any server, so the way to maintain the state of the application between client and server is to use the session on the server side to save the user state because the server is stateful. There are different mechanisms to maintain the state of the application, such as session stickiness, session replication, and shared or centralized session. We can use sticky session to ensure that all requests from the specific user are sent to the particular server through a load balancer. But in case that particular server goes down, and the load balancer is forced suddenly to shift the user to a different server, all of the user’s session data would be lost. To overcome this problem, a session replication mechanism can be used;: that means each instance saves all the session data and synchronizes through the network using a library such as Jgroups, Hazelcast, Redis, etc. but synchronizing session data causes network bandwidth overhead. To overcome this problem, you can use a centralized session storage mechanism; that means whenever a user accesses any services, user data can be obtained from shared session storage. In some use cases this scheme works excellently and can be achieved using the JDBC (database) session storage mechanism so that all servers can access the same session object stored in the database. Token Management It is recommended to use session management at the server because the servers’ applications are stateful, and tokens management at the client to store user login status. Tokens are held by the users themselves and are stored in the browser cache or in the form of cookies. Each time a request is sent to the server, the server can check the identity of the user and determine whether it has access to the requested resource. As the token is used to determine identity, the content of the token needs to be encrypted to avoid security attacks; this can be achieved using standards like Java Web Token (JWT) which is open-standard (RFC 7519) and defines the token format and contents. It can encrypt content using various asymmetric and symmetric encryptions as per requirement. This ensures the integrity of data transferred between two parties, that is, client application and server application. 172

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