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Chapter 4 User InterfaCe DesIgn with application location-based personalization on the basis of location of the business unit. For example, if you log in from one part of the country, the content, services, and products displayed will be different than if you log in from another part of the country. Also, time-based personalization (i.e., theme and advertisement) will change as per time of the day; for example, if you log in at morning time, theme and advertisement will be different than if you log in at evening time. Internationalization and Localization We can choose our own language from the list of provided locales, as most UI frameworks support internationalization (i.e. i18n). i18n is the process of developing you application in a way that can accommodated multiple languages and localization (i.e. i10n). i10n is the process of adapting i18n to enable usability in a culture. The process of developing UIs should be done in such a way that they can be localized for language and culture easily. The user can select a language among different languages by selecting the appropriate locale (language), and content is displayed as per selected locale. Preferences The DXP presentation component (such as a widget or portlet) provides editable features to make UI integration flexible. For example, REST service call endpoints can be editable from the UI itself. A preference is a key value pair. Preference is stored as metadata, which helps the DXP to make the UI customizable, for example, title, description, etc. are customizable as per business requirement changes. All UI components have names, which can be programmatically determined; this makes presentational component robust in nature. Integrated Analytics When you are designing a portal, you need to pay attention to analytics to understand user behavior and patterns. There could be a scenario where you want to track click events and user behavior. Analytics helps you understand the potential customer. Google Analytics makes it easy to record click events. The DXP provides the ways to integrate the analytics framework (e.g., Google analytics, Adobe analytics, etc.). 122

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