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Chapter 5 Designing the integration Layer An example of a typical JSON-WSP response is: { "type": "jsonwsp/response", "version": "1.0", "servicename": "Transaction", "methodname": "getTransaction", "result": [{ "username": "Sourabh_sethi", "transaction_id": 123456, "amount": "200", "type": "credit" }, { "username": "Sourabh_sethi", "transaction_id": 123457, "amount": "1200", "type": "debit" }] } Integration Systems Integration systems consist of messages and their transformation from one form to another. We look into messaging systems, their construction, and transformation in this section. Messaging Systems A messaging system defines the message format and its transformation capabilities, where messaging channels are defined as per the service that contains the exchange in a piece of information. Pipe, filter, and routers perform the complex processing on a message or exchange (also called a piece of information), whereas filtered and processed data is passed to other messaging system with the help of routers. Messaging endpoints are the connections to a messaging channel to send and receive messages. 161

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