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Chapter 3 Design Each layer is important while designing a DXP’s application. The presentation layer helps you to decide user experience on user interaction points (touch points). The service layer is responsible for data interoperability. The business layer helps yours organization to separate business logic from other logics and validations. The data access layer manages and stores the data into databases, files, warehouse (which is central repositories of integrated data from one or more data sources), and data lakes (which are storage repositories that have huge amounts of raw data). DXP design helps enterprises to design end-to-end holistic solutions that help business to maximize scalable and operational capabilities. We will look at these layers in detail in the next sections. Presentation Layer The presentation layer comprises user experience as well as UI. This layer helps you to understand the basic requirements as well as complexity of the application. User experience can make or break a brand’s value. You need to consider the channels or touch points while designing the user experience journey, as shown in Figure 3-6. Figure 3-6. Touch points DXPs incorporate the design thinking approach to decide the touch points and user experience journey. This process consists of five stages: understand, define, design, prototype, and test. • Understand: In this stage you gather the information to understand the problem you are solving using these touch points. Your assumptions become clear about the solution and you are able to get insight of the user’s need regarding touch points and channels. 72

Building Digital Experience Platforms - Page 92 Building Digital Experience Platforms Page 91 Page 93