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267 In the realm of business models, too, computer-aided systems could make many tasks easier and quicker, while revealing as-yet unseen opportunity. At the least, CAD systems could help visual- ize, store, manipulate, track, annotate, and communicate business models. More complex functions would involve manipulating layers or business model versions, or moving business model elements dynamically and evaluating the impact in real-time. Sophisticated systems might facilitate business model critiquing, provide a reposi- Paper-based • Paper or poster-based Canvases can be easily created and used just about anywhere • Paper and poster-based Canvases impose few barriers: no need to learn a specific computer application • Very intuitive and engaging in group settings • Fosters creativity, spurs ideation when used on large surfaces • Napkin sketches to draw, understand, or explain business models • Collaborative brainstorming sessions to develop business model ideas • Collaborative assessment of business models Computer-aided Easy to create, store, manipulate, and track business models • Enable remote collaboration • Quick, comprehensive financial, other simulations • Provide business model design guidance (critiquing systems, business model database, pattern ideas, control mechanisms) • Collaborative business model design with remote teams • Complex manipulations of business models (navigation, business model layers, merging models) • Deep, comprehensive analysis Advantages Applications tory of business model patterns and off-the-shelf building blocks, enable distributed business model development and management, simulate models, or integrate with other enterprise systems (e.g. ERP or business process management). Computer-aided business model design systems will likely evolve in step with interface improvements. Manipulating business models on wall-sized touch screens would bring computer-aided design closer to the intuitive paper-based approach and improve usability. bmgen_final.indd 267 6/15/10 6:01 PM

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