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patterns 77 Multi- s ided p lat for M s multi-sided platforms bring together two or more distinct but interdependent groups of customers. • Such platforms are of value to one group of customers only if the other groups of customers are also present. • The platform creates value by facilitating interactions between the diΩerent groups. • A multi-sided platform grows in value to the extent that it attracts more users, a phenomenon known as the network eΩect. [ ref·er·ences ] 1 • “Str ategies for Two-Sided Markets.” Harvard Busi- ness Review . Eisenmann, Parker, Van Alstyne. October 2006. 2 • Invisible E ngines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries. Evans, Hagiu, Schmalensee. 2006. 3 • “Managing the M aze of Multisided Markets.” Strategy & Business. Evans, David. Fall 2003. [ ex·am·ples ] Visa, Google, eBay, Microsoft Windows, Financial Times Def_ Pattern No. 3 bmgen_final.indd 77 6/15/10 5:35 PM

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