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207 Main Qs Pharmaceutical Industry Landscape technology trends Identifi es technology trends that could threaten your business model—or enable it to evolve or improve What are the major technology trends both inside and outside your market? Which technologies represent important opportunities or disruptive threats? Which emerging technologies are peripheral customers adopting? • Emergence of pharmacogenomics, declining cost of gene sequencing, and the immenent rise of personalized medicine • Major advances in diagnostics • Use of pervasive computing and nanotechnology for the injection/delivery of drugs regulatory trends Describes regulations and regulatory trends that infl uence your business model Which regulatory trends infl uence your market? What rules may affect your business model? Which regulations and taxes affect customer demand? • Heterogeneous global regulatory landscape in the pharma- ceutical industry • Many countries prohibit drug companies from marketing directly to consumers • Regulatory agency pressure to publish data on unsuccessful clinical trials societal and cultural trends Identifi es major societal trends that may infl uence your business model Describe key societal trends. Which shifts in cultural or societal values affect your business model? Which trends might infl uence buyer behavior? • Generally unfavorable image of big drug makers • Growing social consciousness among consumers • Customers increasingly conscious of global warming, sustainability issues, prefer “green” purchases • Customers are better informed about drug maker activity in developing countries (e.g. HIV/AIDS drugs) socioeconomic trends Outlines major socioeconomic trends relevant to your business model What are the key demographic trends? How would you characterize income and wealth distribution in your market? How high are disposable incomes? Describe spending patterns in your market (e.g. housing, health- care, entertainment, etc.). What portion of the popula- tion lives in urban areas as opposed to rural settings? • Aging society in many mature markets • Good but costly healthcare infrastructure in mature markets • Growing middle class in emerging markets • Large, unsatisfi ed healthcare needs in developing countries which new key resources and activities will prove advantageous when personalized drugs and diagnostics are widely used? which technologies are likely to improve value proposition competitiveness in the evolving pharma landscape? how are customers reacting to new tech- nological develop- ments in the pharma- ceutical industry? do advances in pharmacogenomics, diagnostics, pervasive computing, or nano- technology offer new revenue opportunities? how will technology such as pharmacoge- nomics, pervasive computing, and nano- technology affect the cost structure of a drug maker’s business model? which partnerships will become essential when pharmacoge- nomics is an integral part of the industry landscape? VP CR CH CS KP KA KR R$ C$ • Heterogeneous global regulatory landscape in the pharma- ceutical industry • Many countries prohibit drug companies from marketing directly to consumers • Regulatory agency pressure to publish data on unsuccessful clinical trials bmgen_final.indd 207 6/15/10 5:44 PM

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