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Imagine 60 first-year students, knowing nothing about entrepreneurship. In less than five days, thanks to the Business Model Canvas, they were able to pitch a viable idea with conviction and clarity. They used it as a tool to cover all the startup-building dimensions. Guilhem Bertholet, France I use the Business Model Canvas to teach early stage entrepreneurs across a wide range of industries as a much better way to translate THEIR BUSI n ESS PLANS I n TO THE BUSI n ESS PRO CE SSES that they (will) need to operate their businesses and to ensure that they are focused properly on being customer- centric in a way that makes the business as highly profitable as it can be. Bob Dunn, United States I have used the Canvas with a co-founder to design a business plan for a national level contest held by The Economic Times, India . The Canvas enabled me to think through all the aspects of the startup and put together a plan that VCs might find well thought out and attractive to fund. Praveen Singh, India We were asked to redesign the language service of an international n GO. The Business Model Canvas was especially help ful to show the links between the needs of people’s day-to-day work and a service that was felt too specialized, considered only as an afterthought, and far away from their priorities. Paola Valeri, Spain As a startup coach I support teams to create new products and design their businesses. The Business Model Canvas does a great job assisting me to remind the teams to think holistically about their business and prevents them from getting stuck on details. This helps to make their new venture a success. Christian Schüller, Germany The Business Model Canvas has allowed me to establish a common language and framework with colleagues. I've used the Canvas to explore new growth opportunities, assess uses of new business models by competitors, and to communicate across the organization how we could accelerate technology, market, and business model innovations. Bruce MacVarish, United States The Business Model Canvas has helped several health care organizations in the n etherlands t o make the move from a budget driven governmental institution to an entrepreneurial value-adding organization. Huub Raemakers, Netherlands I used the Canvas with senior managers of a public company to help them restructure their value chain due to changes in sector regulation. The key success factor was to understand which new Value Propositions could be offered to their clients and then translated into internal operations. Leandro Jesus, Brazil We used 15,000 post-its and more than 100 meters of bro W n paper to design a future organizational struc- ture in a global manufacturing company. The key of all activities was, however, the Business Model Canvas. It con- vinced us by its practical applicability, simplicity, and logical cause-and-effect relationships. Daniel Egger, Brazil I used the Canvas to do a reality check for my new startup Mupps, a platform where artists can make their own music apps for iPhone and Android phones in minutes. You know what? The Canvas made me even surer of the possible success! So I gotta go, work to do! Erwin Blom, Netherlands The Business Model Canvas has proven to be a very useful tool for capturing ideas and solutions for e-commerce projects. Most of my clients are SMEs and the Canvas helps them to clarify their current business models and understand and focus on the impact of e-commerce on their organizations. Marc Castricum, Netherlands I applied the Canvas to help a company align key staff in order to determine shared goals and strategic priorities, which were used during the planning process and incorporated with the BSC. It also ensured that the chosen initia- tives were clearly driven by the new strategic priorities. Martin Fanghanel, Bolivia 51 bmgen_final.indd 51 6/15/10 5:33 PM

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