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patterns 109 open b usiness Models open business models can be used by compa- nies to create and capture value by systemati- cally collaborating with outside partners. • This may happen from the “outside-in” by exploit- ing external ideas within the firm, or from the “inside-out” by providing external parties with ideas or assets lying idle within the firm. [ ref·er·ences ] 1 • Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovation Landscape. Chesbrough, Henry. 2006. 2 • “The Era of Open Innovation.” MIT Sloan Management Review. Chesbrough, Henry. Nº 3, 2003. [ ex·am·ples ] P&G, GlaxoSmithKilne, Innocentive Def_ Pattern No. 5 bmgen_final.indd 109 6/15/10 5:38 PM

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