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It’s one thing to map out a Bus iness Mod el Can vas. But for cre ating a bus iness mod el tha t in its elf is a bre akthrough inn ovation, it is hel pful to use too ls use d to cre ate bre akthrough inn ovation in othe r ind ustries, suc h as in des ign. Ellen Di Resta, United States Aravind uses the Fre emium Bus iness Mod el to ena ble FRE E eye sur gery for the poor in India. Business model innovation can re ally make a differ ence! Anders Sundelin, Sweden I find that although most managers understand str ategy concep ts, they have a tough time applying these conc epts at their level of the organization. h ow ever, discussions about business models connec t the high-lev el conc epts to day- to-day decision- making. It' s a gre at middle ground. Bill Welter, United States Personas, Scenarios, Vis ualization, Emp athy map s, and so on are tec hniques tha t I hav e use d sin ce the lat e 199 0s in use r exp erience typ e pro jects. In the las t few yea rs I hav e see n tha t the y are inc red- ibly eff ective at a str ategy/business lev el. Eirik V Johnsen, Norway If solving humanity’s current problems requir es rethinking how value is gener ated and for whom, then business model innovation is the premier tool to organize, communic ate, and implement that new thinking. Nabil Harfoush, Canada I'm interested in hearing how people are integr ating technology ideas into their models using the Canvas. We 've explored adding it as a separat e layer (above or below financial) but have now settled on integr ating it as not es on each of the 9 ke y are as. Fr om this we then st ep back and dev elop a separat e integrat ed technology plan. Rob Manson, Australia Yo U r business model I s not Y o U r business It’s a method of inquiry to help you understand what to do next. Tes ting and iter ation is ke y. Matthew Milan, Canada Multi-sided platforms are actually rather easy at the business model lev el; the dif- ficult y comes in execution: attracting the "subsidized side," pricing on both sides, vertical or horizontal integr ation, how to change the business model in st ep with the size of the marke t on each side. Hampus Jakobsson, Sweden business model innovation combines creativity with a structured approach —the best of both worlds. Ziv Baida, Netherlands Many of my clients do not have a holistic view of their business model and tend to focus on trying to address the immediate problem. The Business Model Canvas pro vides a framew ork that helps clarify the why, who, what, when, where, and how . Patrick van Abbema, Canada I lov e the idea of using these tools to design businesses and to tinker under the hoo d of the engine of an organization. Michael Anton Dila, Canada There are thousands of business models to be inves tigated and many tho usands of people who are interested in the m. Steven Devijver, Belgium Simplicity is very important to explain the patterns and to trigger the non- pro fessional's involv ement in business inn ovation. Gertjan Verstoep, Netherlands We have been working too long and too hard for companies with bad or improper business models. Lytton He, China The term business model is thrown around a lot and more frequently than not to mean an incomple te understanding of what makes a business a business (mostly just the financial/ revenue aspect). Livia Labate, United States Business model innovation is one of the LEAST u SE D & most powerful ways to cre ate sustainable pro fit grow th, economic dev elopment and creat e new ‘marke ts’ and ‘industries’. Deborah Mills-Scofield, United States 261 bmgen_final.indd 261 6/15/10 6:01 PM

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