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173 storyteLLIng desIgn Why Storytelling? Introducing the New New business model ideas can pop up anywhere in an organization. Some ideas may be good, some may be mediocre, and some may be, well, completely useless. But even outstanding business model ideas can have a tough time getting past layers of management and fi nding their way into an organization’s strategy. So effectively pitching your business model ideas to management is crucial. This is where stories can help. Ultimately, manag- ers are interested in numbers and facts, but having the right story can win their attention. A good story is a com- pelling way to quickly outline a broad idea before getting caught up in the details. Engaging Employees When an organization transitions from an existing busi- ness model to a new business model, it must convince collaborators to follow. People need a crystal clear under- standing of the new model and what it means for them. In short, the organization needs to powerfully engage its employees. That is where traditional text-based Power- Point presentations usually fail. Introducing a new business model through an engaging story-based presentation (delivered with PowerPoint, drawings, or other techniques) is far more likely to connect with listeners. Capturing people’s attention and curiosity paves the way for in-depth presentations and discussions of the unfamiliar. Pitching to Investors If you are an entrepreneur, chances are you will pitch your idea or business model to investors or other potential shareholders (and you already know that investors stop listening the instant you tell them how you will become the next Google). What investors and other shareholders want to know is: How will you create value for customers? How will you make money doing so? That’s the perfect setting for a story. It’s the ideal way to introduce your venture and business model before getting into the full business plan. Engaging People People are moved more by stories than by logic. Ease listeners into the new or unknown by building the logic of your model into a compelling narrative. Clarifi cation Telling a story that illustrates how your business model solves a customer problem is a clear way to introduce listeners to the idea. Stories give you the “buy-in” needed to subsequently explain your model in detail. Make the New Tangible Explaining a new, untested business model is like explaining a painting with words alone. But telling a story of how the model creates value is like applying bright colors to canvas. It makes things tangible. 173 bmgen_final.indd 173 6/15/10 5:43 PM

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