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Alex osterwalder, Author Dr. O sterwalder is an a uthor, s peaker, a nd a dviser on t he t opic of b usiness m odel innovation. his p ractical a pproach to d esigning i nnovative b usiness m odels, d evel- oped t ogether w ith D r. Y ves P igneur, is p racticed in m ultiple i ndustries t hroughout t he world by c ompanies i ncluding 3 M, E ricsson, C apgemini, D eloitte, T elenor, a nd m any others. P reviously he h elped b uild a nd s ell a s trategic c onsulting fi rm, p articipated in the d evelopment of a T hailand-based g lobal n onprofit o rganization c ombating hI V/ AIDS a nd m alaria, a nd d id r esearch at t he un iversity of L ausanne, S witzerland. Yves Pigneur, co-Author Dr. P igneur h as b een a P rofessor of M anagement I nformation S ystems at t he un iversity of L ausanne s ince 1 984, a nd h as h eld v isiting p rofessorships at G eorgia State university in Atlanta and at the university of British Columbia in Vancouver. he has served as the principal investigator for many research projects involving informa- tion system design, requirements engineering, information technology management, innovation, a nd e -business. Alan Smith, creative Director Alan is a big scale thinker who lo ves the details just as much. h e's a co-founder at the aptly named change agency: The Movement. There he works with inspired clients to blend community knowledge, business logic, and design thinking. The resulting strategy, communications, and interactive projects feel like artifacts from the future but always connect to the people of today. Why? Because he designs like he gives a damn—every project, every day. tim clark, editor and contributing co-Author A t eacher, w riter, a nd s peaker in t he fi eld of e ntrepreneurship, T im’s p erspective is informed by h is e xperience f ounding a nd s elling a m arketing r esearch c onsultancy t hat served fi rms s uch as A, B ertelsmann, G eneral M otors, L VMh, a nd P eopleSoft. Business m odel t hinking is k ey to h is Entrepreneurship for Everyone a pproach to personal a nd p rofessional l earning, a nd c entral to h is d octoral w ork on i nternational business m odel p ortability. Business Model Generation is h is f ourth b ook. Patrick van der Pijl, Producer Patrick van der Pijl is the founder of Business Models, Inc., an international business model c onsultancy. P atrick h elps o rganizations, e ntrepreneurs, a nd m anagement teams d iscover n ew w ays of d oing b usiness by e nvisioning, e valuating, a nd implementing new business models. Patrick helps clients succeed through intensive workshops, t raining c ourses, a nd c oaching. bmgen_final.indd 281 6/15/10 6:02 PM

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