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Background: Semiconductor manufacturing capacity in China China’s lead in global semiconductor manufacturing capacity is continuing to increase Change in China's semiconductor Share of projected semiconductor production capacity, 2024 production capacity from prior year 27% China 14% 13% 12% Taiwan 18% 12% 16% Korea 10% 8% Japan 15% 6% Americas 10% 4% Europe and Middle East 9% 2% Southeast Asia 5% 0% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 2023 2024 Notes/Sources: The data are by number of wafers per month. SEMI, “Global Semiconductor Capacity Projected to Reach Record High 30 Million Wafers per Month in 2024, SEMI Reports,” January 2, 2024, 9

China Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Import Analysis - Page 9 China Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Import Analysis Page 8 Page 10

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