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design application Alication Žata ­heet Cal Žnaic †ptimi“e meetings using integrated Cisco WebEx Audio. chedule easily Business Challenge Cisco e Audio Success Story Cisco Small Business Cisco WebEx Audio and €oin from computer or phone. ‹ata Sheet Product Sheet Success Data Sheet Cisco e Audio ‰ata heet Story Highlights Create a fuller, more productive meeting experience Simplified Service using Cisco WebEx™ Audio with your Cisco WebEx •se €ust one convenient provider for all your integrated audio and solutions. Tae advantage of choices that include o, web meetings. traditional phone conference, and audio broadcast— Audio Control and Management mprove meeting productivity all in a flexible pacage. elect an audio option for using easy audio settings and management tools. each session, according to your re­uirements and International Service budget. treamline your meeting and billing Highlights Œeet with attendees—by Optimize meetings using integrated phone or computer—in more processes by using €ust one vendor. Simplified Service than –„„ countries. •se just one conenient proider Cisco WebEx Audio. Schedule easily and Audio Access Safeguards for all your integrated audio and ecure integrated audio meetings Choose the right integrated audio options for your needs. eb meetings. join from computer or phone. by controlling attendance. mprove business efficiency using WebEx Audio to connect up to ƒ„„ attendees Audio Control and Management Customized Service per meeting. et up your session with easy…to…use phone options, including ­mproe meeting productiity Create a fuller more productie meeting experience using Cisco WebEx™ Audio ‹et a flexible pacage and your global callbac services. †r eep your phone lines free while you save money with using easy audio settings and ith your Cisco WebEx solutions. ae adantage of choices that include o­€ choice of integrated audio options integrated oice over  ‡oˆ—from any computer worldwide. ‰eliver audio to management tools. traditional phone conference and audio broadcast—all in a flexible pacage. Select for each session. thousands of participants in one…to…many events using Cisco WebEx Event Center International Service an audio option for each session according to your re„uirements and budget. Compatile ith with WebEx Audio Šroadcast. ‹et WebEx Audio services for a single monthly fee. Žeet ith attendees—by Streamline your meeting and billing processes by using just one endor. Privacy laws and Privacy Laws and Reactions „urisdiction worldwide. mportantly, the Privacy laws and Privacy Laws and Reactions …urisdiction worldwide. mportantly, the • Cisco WebEx Œeeting Center phone or computer—in more U regulations are implemented by U regulations are implemented by • Cisco WebEx Evvent Center Keep your meetings private and productive. than ”‡‡ countries. Choose the right integrated audio options for your needs. regulations continue to Privacy laws in the United States and each individual member state, which regulations continue to Privacy laws in the United States and each individual member state, which • Cisco WebEx Training Center ‹ain better control over your meetings. dentify which meeting attendee is speaing Audio Access Safeguards ­mproe business efficiency using WebEx Audio to connect up to †‡‡ attendees react to the marketplace, across the globe are inconsistent and has lead to different interpretations react to the marketplace, across the globe are inconsistent and has lead to different interpretations • Cisco WebEx upport Center with Active Taler indicators. Œanage call activity with line muting, the ability to Secure integrated audio meetings per meeting. Set up your session ith easyˆtoˆuse phone options including continue to evolve. n contrast to the and governing regulations. Privacy continue to evolve. n contrast to the and governing regulations. Privacy add attendees easily, and more. ‰etermine who attends and who doesn’t using by controlling attendance. with new technologies uropean Union, in the United States with new technologies uropean Union, in the United States laws and regulations continue to Customized Service global callbac serices. Or eep your phone lines free hile you sae money ith laws and regulations continue to there is no overarching privacy law in attendance controls, participant lists, and meeting locouts. Œet a flexible pacage and your integrated oice oer ­€ ‰ o­€Š—from any computer orldide. ‹elier audio to and processes leading to there is no overarching privacy law in react to the marketplace, with new and processes leading to react to the marketplace, with new choice of integrated audio options thousands of participants in oneˆtoˆmany eents using Cisco WebEx Eent Center place. nstead, the United States takes technologies and processes leading more stringent regulation. place. nstead, the United States takes technologies and processes leading Improve efficiency using a unified meeting solution. for each session. ith WebEx Audio Broadcast. Œet WebEx Audio serices for a single monthly fee. more stringent regulation. a more laissefaire approach that a more laissefaire approach that to more stringent regulation. For Trust WebEx Audio for all your audio services. †ffer hosts and attendees a single For instance, the recent targets specific sectors, relying on a to more stringent regulation. For For instance, the recent targets specific sectors, relying on a instance, the recent emergence of point of entry to each web meeting. ’o more separate phone calls to add audio. Compatile ith Keep your meetings private and productive. instance, the recent emergence of combination of legislation, regulation, †ne invite, one login. Count on WebEx Audio to handle all your support needs too. • Cisco WebEx Žeeting Center emergence of behavioral combination of legislation, regulation, behavioral targeting has raised the ire emergence of behavioral and selfregulation. For e ample, U.S. behavioral targeting has raised the ire • Cisco WebEx Eent Center Œain better control oer your meetings. ­dentify hich meeting attendee is speaing and selfregulation. For eample, U.S. of privacy regulators. Service providers of privacy regulators. Service providers Eliminate spending for numerous—even overlapping—services from multiple vendors. • Cisco WebEx raining Center ith Actie aler indicators. Žanage call actiity ith line muting the ability to targeting has raised the laws are in place to address medical targeting has raised the laws are in place to address medical along with two companies, Phorm in ave the time you would have spent reconciling the related bills each month. add attendees easily and more. ‹etermine ho attends and ho doesn’t using privacy, financial institution privacy and along with two companies, Phorm in privacy, financial institution privacy and the UK, and ebuad, in the US, have • Cisco WebEx Support Center ire of privacy regulators. the UK, and Nebuad, in the US, have ire of privacy regulators. children­s privacy. attendance controls participant lists and meeting locouts. children s privacy. recently found themselves embroiled recently found themselves embroiled Improve efficiency using a unified meeting solution. Service providers along with two ­he U has a comprehensive law€ in controversy over plans to target Service providers along with two €he U has a comprehensive law‚ in controversy over plans to target rust WebEx Audio for all your audio serices. Offer hosts and attendees a single companies, Phorm in the UK, and reflecting the U s philosophy that customers with advertisements based companies, Phorm in the UK, and reflecting the U­s philosophy that customers with advertisements based point of entry to each eb meeting. “o more separate phone calls to add audio. Nebuad, in the US, have recently found while data processing is beneficial, on their prior web surfing behaviors.† ebuad, in the US, have recently found while data processing is beneficial, on their prior web surfing behaviors.‡ One inite one login. Count on WebEx Audio to handle all your support needs too. themselves embroiled in controversy an individual s fundamental privacy ‡ ˆoth companies planned to install themselves embroiled in controversy an individual­s fundamental privacy ˆ ‰oth companies planned to install Eliminate spending for numerous—een oerlapping—serices from multiple endors. over plans to target customers with rights must be protected. ƒany deep packet inspection e‰uipment over plans to target customers with rights must be protected. „any deep packet inspection eŠuipment Sae the time you ould hae spent reconciling the related bills each month. advertisements based on their prior consider the U to have the most on SP networks that would monitor advertisements based on their prior consider the U to have the most on SP networks that would monitor web surfing behaviors. restrictive privacy laws of any subscribers online activities, build web surfing behaviors. restrictive privacy laws of any subscribers­ online activities, build ” Cisco ystems, nc. ” Cisco Systems ­nc. Š ‹isco Systems, nc. ‚ ‹isco Systems, nc. ith data sheets and inforational content sil laing with color can add To add ore eression into content ages add lifestle or roduct iager significant grahic iact. ntegrate gradients into tograh or tetures within to astheads. ntegrate iager with color tograh and grahics to dial astheads to add iact to content. u branded eression. ‚ar the telate grid to change hierarch between eression and content. ‘Š The Cisco Brand / Žesign Alication

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