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Cisco Brand Identity System ‰verview Brand ƒalette e’ve created building blocks for LoGo CoLor TYPoGraPHY IConS counicating Cisco’s Brand dentit in a unified visual sste we call the Brand ƒalette. Corised of core eleents Tograh including logo color te and icons as ƒlaful. well as etended eressions including treatents gradients grahics and Clean. tetures this wide range of tools is Želightful. designed to be fleible and eandable— so ou can use our creativit to innovate across all edia. To effectivel define the Cisco brand eerience these core eleents ust be aligned across ever TreaTmenTS GradIenTS GraPHICS TeXTureS touchoint fro consuer to shareholder fro artner to eloee. SECTION OVERVIEW The following sections rovide creative guidance on how to use the brand alette. ith a shared design sensibilit we can use each eleent to elevate the Cisco Brand in a wa that is distinctive and at once iediatel recogni›able as Cisco. Content ƒanes“ 100£ ‰a—ue hite ‰verla“ Šˆ£ ‰a—ue Black 1Š The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

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