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Brand expressions Treatents Treatent Attributes Corner ¬adius ­urface and ¥aterials Ževices and …ffects ‡ iels ‘ iels SurFaCe BuTTonS TranSParenCY Content ƒanes“ 100£ ‰a—ue hite Buttons Content ƒanes °ˆ0 or under± ‰verla“ ‡ iels Šˆ£ ‰a—ue Black S S ­ ­ ‚ ‚ T Cisco Small T Cisco Small     ‚ ‚ S S ¢ested ƒanes droP SHadoW 90˚ S Business Solutions. S Business Solutions. S S € € ­ ­ S Technology you can trust. S Technology you can trust.   B B        When it comes to the technology that keeps your  When it comes to the technology that keeps your vector “ 1/„§ š 1/€§ S S employees, suppliers, and customers securely employees, suppliers, and customers securely connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business connected, it has to work. Cisco Small Business Solutions provide the networking and commun- Solutions provide the networking and commun- droP SHadoW 4»˚ Cisco Small ications technology you need, with the reliability, ications technology you need, with the reliability, Business Solutions. security and performance you epect from Cisco. security and performance you epect from Cisco. The portfolio offers a broad range of small business The portfolio offers a broad range of small business Technology you can trust. products that can enable you to get more done. products that can enable you to get more done. ntegral eleents in Cisco’s interface and collateral corner radii ake ƒredoinantl used in eb and digital alications uni—ue surfaces and Transarencies and overlas reveal laers of inforation and teture buttons content anes and enus ore aroachable to our endšusers. aterials can be used to enhance the user eerience. hichever surface while dro shadows lift eleents fro a flat surface. ’se these To build a branded —ualit to corner radii it is iortant to kee all corner or aterial ou choose—glass etal gels or satin finishes be sure to use treatents and effects to add deth and diension in digital or rint radii the sae roortion relationshi. žee corner radius si›ing consistent those that are ost aroriate for our audience. Žon’t let the surface and edia. But use these effects with subtlet so the don’t overower b following the rules above. As scale changes be sure to ad¨ust the corner aterials overwhel our essage˜ use the saringl and tastefull. the focal oint of our sub¨ect. radius ratio accordingl. €0 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

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