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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Our workforce of more than 220,000 colleagues around the globe reflects the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of our clients and customers. This is why we ensure equity and inclusion are embedded in everything that we do. Across the firm, there is tremendous momentum to build on our efforts to create a more diverse, equitable and inclu - sive culture — from our pay equity work to our representation goals to our diverse interview panels and candidate slates to our engagement with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). We believe in setting clear goals to measure our progress and holding ourselves accountable to building a company where the best talent wants to work and where people of all races, gender, sexual orientation, disability status veteran status or ethnicity can reach their full potential. Our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion ( DEI) i sn’t l imited t o b roadening the representation of those working within the top levels of our own firm and creating a more inclusive environment. We also look at diversity holistically, thinking of ways to widen o ur i mpact f or o ur su ppliers, c lients, customers and communities we serve. Learn about ou r Action for Racial Equity plan to help c lose t he r acial w ealth g ap a nd i ncrease economic m obility i n t he U nited S tates. Pay Equity We continue to disclose our adjusted and u nadjusted ( or “ra w”) p ay g aps f or both women and U.S. minorities to hold ourselves accountable for making progress. The a djusted p ay g ap i s a t rue m easure o f pay equity, or “like for like,” that compares the c ompensation o f w omen t o me n a nd U.S. min orities t o n on-minorities w hen adjusting f or f actors su ch a s j ob fu nc - tion, t itle/level a nd g eography. T he ra w gap m easures t he d ifference i n m edian compensation w hen w e don ’t a djust f or a ny of t he a forementioned f actors. The e xistence o f o ur ra w p ay g ap r eflects a need t o i ncrease r epresentation o f w omen and U.S. minorities in senior and higher- paying ro les. Our l atest r esults, r eleased i n e arly 2 022, found t hat, o n a n a djusted b asis, w omen globally a re p aid o n a verage m ore t han 99% of what men are paid at Citi, and that t here w as n o s tatistically si gnificant difference i n a djusted c ompensation for U .S. min orities a nd n on-minorities. Following the review, appropriate pay adjustments were made as part of Citi’s 2021 c ompensation c ycle. The Interconnected Nature of Pay Gaps and Representation Goals Citi was the first company to disclose adj usted pay results, and in 2019 we became one of the first companies to disclose our unadjusted or “raw” pay gaps for both women and U.S. minorities. Being transparent about our median pay helped us achieve our firm-wide, aspirational representation goals in 2021. By increasing representation of women and U.S. minorities in higher-compensated roles, we can continue to work toward closing the raw pay gaps. MEDIAN PAY Women vs. Men INCREASED REPRESENTATION of women and U.S. minorities in higher- compensated roles to help close the raw pay gaps 74 % 2021 74 % 2020 73 % 2019 2018 71 % U.S. Minorities vs. U.S. Non-Minorities 93 % 2018 94 % 2019 94 % 2020 96 % 2021 FIRM-WIDE ASPIRATIONAL REPRESENTATION GOALS 37 % 40.6 % 2018 2021 8.1 % 6 % 2018 2021 Mid- and senio r- level female talent globally Exceeding 40% goal Exceeding 8% goal Mid- and senior- level Black talent (U.S. only) Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 83

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