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A Roadmap for Black Equity In November 2021, we announced our participation in the Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) Black Equity at Work Certification — a first-of-its-kind standard and roadmap for employers that want to achieve Black equity internally while support - ing Black equity in society. Citi was the first major Wall Street bank to sign on. Our participation complements our Action for Racial Equity efforts, including our commitment to conduct a third-party racial equity audit. (Learn more in the Equitable and Resilient Communities section.) MLT’s unique accreditation program calls on corporations to take a stand for Black equity and provides a critical resource for employers to make progress toward their Black equity goals. Through our participation in this program, Citi will receive MLT’s expertise, counsel and feedback on our internal Black equity initiatives and practices, including how we can increase Black representation, drive equal pay and invest in Black equity causes. The validation process will help Citi develop a robust, comprehensive plan that will enable us to achieve a Black Equity at Work Certification in one to three years. DIVERSITY AT THE EXECUTIVE LEVEL Gender equity is something we demonstrate from the very top of our organization. Jane Fraser is our first woman CEO — and was the first woman to lead a major Wall Street bank. Based on existing self-identification data, five (29%) of our 17-person Executive Management Team are women and six (35%) are racially/ethnically diverse. As of April 25, 2022, eight (53%) of the 15 members of our Board of Directors are women and three (20%) are racial/ethnic minorities. Citi was among the first financial services firms to achieve gender parity on its Board. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 85

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